Karlheinz Essl

Portrait KHE

Calender 2020

Concerts / Performances / Lectures

Bern | Gold.Berg.Werk | Bournemouth | London | Leeds | Surrey | Madrid | Hofburgkapelle Wien | Calgary | Nottingham | London | Birmingham | Parma | Cork | Brus Day | Civitella D'Agliano | Radiokulturhaus Wien | Belfast | Lech am Arlberg | Brooklyn | trans-Art | Zeit-Ton | Hörsturm | Frankfurt | ARTESCIENZA Roma | Heilbronn | Stephansdom Wien | Reaktor Wien | Dublin | Letterkenny | Ennis | Cork | Riga | Madrid | WIEN MODERN | Perth | Kent | Helsinki | OFF-Theater Wien | Madison | Linz

Roschitz (2019)
meditation for piano solo

Sat, 11 Jan 2020, 19:00 - premiere
Vienna, Alte Schmiede (A)
25 Miniaturen – Ein Abend für Karlheinz Roschitz
Kaori Nishii: piano

Sequitur XI (2010)
for vibraphone, cymbals and live-electronics

Tue, 14 Jan 2020
Bern, Hochschule der Künste (CH)
Sound Arts – Musik und Medienkunst (Klasse: Cathy van Eck)
Paolo Fratello: vibraphone
Felipe Arteaga Villamizar: live-electronics

Sequitur I (2008)
for flute and live-electronics

Tue, 14 Jan 2020
Bern, Hochschule der Künste (CH)
Sound Arts – Musik und Medienkunst (Klasse: Cathy van Eck)
Luciana Peyceré Parente: flute
Felipe Arteaga Villamizar: live-electronics

Sequitur XIII (2008)
for piano and live-electronics

Thu, 30 Jan 2020, 19:00
Wien, echoraum (A)
Abschlusspräsentation der Lehrveranstaltung Live-Elektronik mit Studierenden von Alfred Reiter-Wuschko an der MUK
Amina Mamedova: piano
Veronika Huber: live-electronics


A Radical Re-Interpretation of J.S. Bach's Goldberg Variations


Xenia Pestova Bennett:piano
Karlheinz Essl: composition, live electronics

The Goldberg Variations form a cornerstone of keyboard repertoire, yet we rarely question the mode of presentation for this piece. Austrian composer Karlheinz Essl offers a refreshing glimpse of a new performance practice through his unusual take in Gold.Berg.Werk (2013-16). Originally envisioned as a performance environment for string trio, there is now a version for piano and live electronics, never before heard in the UK. Gorgeous time-stretched harmonies are manipulated in real time and played back through spatialized loudspeakers in between the piano variations, bringing together Baroque and contemporary sound worlds. This new reimagining of Bach’s vision juxtaposes the variations in a new strictly symmetrical structure which reflects the binary form of the original aria (a microcosm within a macrocosm with binary divisions commonly found in digital systems). No two performances are the same due to the live generation of the electronic interludes. Gold.Berg.Werk transcends itself and becomes a new piece in its own right, creating a sense of space and grandeur through electronic distribution of the interludes. This magical performance invites and entices the audience to join us on a journey of discovery, opening and blossoming into a whole new universe of sound.

Xenia Pestova Bennett about Karlheinz Essl's Gold.Berg.Werk

"Through these interventions, Essl creates two temporally separate soundscapes that are musically related and comment on each other... Essl then spins the Bachian idea of variation on another level and conveys the impression of spatial proximity and distance of these different sound spaces... Essl's live-electronic parts captivate through the richness of relationships... while at the same time going far beyond generating a new sonic-musical fabric." (Stefan Drees, klassik.com)

Confirmed Dates

Bournemouth, University: 4 Mar 2020, 7pm
London, Austrian Cultural Forum: 10 Mar 2020, 7pm
Leeds, College of Music: 11 Mar 2020, 7:30pm
Surrey, University of Surrey: 19 Mar 2020, 7:30pm   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
Nottingham, Royal Concert Hall: 4 Apr 2020, 8pm   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
London, Café Oto: 9 Apr 2020, 7:30pm   RESCHEDULED!
Birmingham, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire: 28 Apr 2020, 7pm   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
Cork, Cork School of Music, 7 May 2020, 7:30pm   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
Dublin, Project Arts Centre: 16 Dec 2020, 8:30pm   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!

Gold.Berg.Werk (2003-2019)
Interpretation of Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations
Version for piano and electronic sounds

Wed, 4 Mar 2020, 7pm
Bournemouth, Art University Bournemouth (UK)
Experimental Music Concert
Xenia Pestova Bennett: piano
Ambrose Seddon: sound projection

Gold.Berg.Werk (2003-2019)
Interpretation of Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations
Version for piano and live-electronics

Tue, 10 Mar 2020, 7pm
London, Austrian Cultural Forum (UK)
Gold.Berg.Werk: A Radical Re-Interpretation of J. S. Bach’s Goldberg Variations
Xenia Pestova Bennett: piano
Karlheinz Essl: live-electronics

Introduction to Gold.Berg.Werk at the Austrian Cultural Forum London

Trois cent notes (2019)
version for vibraphone solo

Wed, 11 Mar 2019, 2pm
Birmingham, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire (UK)
Bmus 3 recital
Alexander Henshaw: vibraphone

Gold.Berg.Werk (2003-2019)
Interpretation of Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations
Version for piano and live-electronics

Wed, 11 Mar 2020, 7:30pm
Leeds, Leeds College of Music (UK)
Festival Sounds like THIS
Xenia Pestova Bennett: piano
Karlheinz Essl: live-electronics

Gold.Berg.Werk performed at Leeds, College of Music (11 Mar 2020)

Gold.Berg.Werk: Aria Electronica I (2016)
Music for the animation film Leerstelle by Urte Zintler

Sat, 14 Mar 2020, 2:45
MDR - German TV program
Music for the animation film Leerstelle by Urte Zintler
"Animationsfilme im MDR

interactive realtime composition for computer-controlled piano

Thu, 19 Mar 2020, 20:00   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
Madrid, El Instante Fundación (E)
Karlheinz Essl: live performance on a Yamaha Disklavier

Workshop on Lexikon-Sonate
interactive realtime composition for computer-controlled piano

Fri, 20 Mar 2020, 18:00 - 20:00   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
Madrid, El Instante Fundación (E)
Karlheinz Essl: lecture/performance Yamaha Disklavier

Gold.Berg.Werk (2003-2019)
A Radical Re-Interpretation of Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations
Version for piano and electronic sounds

Thu, 19 Mar 2020, 7:30pm   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
Surrey, University of Surrey (UK)
Gold.Berg.Werk By Karlheinz Essl For Piano and Live Electronics
Xenia Pestova Bennett: piano
Ed Bennett: sound projection

Constantia (2019)
for chamber orchestra

Thu, 26 Mar 2020 - Austrian première   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
Vienna, Hofburgkapelle (A)
Mulier fortis - Neuinterpretation eines Jesuitenspiels aus dem 17. Jahrhundert
Collegium musicum der MDW, Dir. Ingomar Rainer

Onwards (2002)
four for improvising musicians

Fri, 27 Mar 2020, 7:30pm   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
Calgary, Doherty Hall (CAN)
Open Score
Timepoint Ensemble

Gold.Berg.Werk (2003-2019)
Interpretation of Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations
Version for piano and live-electronics

Sat, 4 Apr 2020, 8pm   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
Nottingham, Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall (UK)
J.S. Bach's Goldberg Variations Reimagined
Xenia Pestova Bennett: piano
Karlheinz Essl: live-electronics

Gold.Berg.Werk (2003-2019)
Interpretation of Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations
Version for piano and live-electronics

Thu, 9 Apr 2020, 8pm   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
London, Café Oto (UK)
Karlheinz Essl / Xenia Pestova Bennett: Gold.Berg.Werk
Xenia Pestova Bennett: piano
Karlheinz Essl: live-electronics

Gold.Berg.Werk (2003-2019)
Interpretation of Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations
Version for piano and electronic sounds

Tue, 28 Apr 2020, 7pm   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
Birmingham, Boyal Birmingham Conservatoire (UK)
Xenia Pestova Bennett: piano
Ed Bennett: sound projection

Roschitz (2019)
meditation for piano solo

Wed, 29 Apr 2020, 20:00 - Live Stream
Vienna, Alte Schmiede (A)
Klavier unter Neonlicht
Kaori Nishii: piano

Forms of Life (2019-2020)
multi-channel sound performance

Thu, 30 Apr 2020, 17:00   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
Parma, Casa del Suono (I)
Portrait Concert Karlheinz Essl
Karlheinz Essl: sound performance

Gold.Berg.Werk (2003-2019)
Interpretation of Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations
Version for piano and live-electronics

Tue, 7 May 2020   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
Cork, Cork School of Music (IR)
Curtis Auditorium
Xenia Pestova Bennett: piano
Karlheinz Essl: live-electronics

Sequitur VI (2008)
for trumpet and live-electronics

Tue, 23 Jun 2020
Vienna, Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien (A)
Master concert
Christoph Skuk: trumpet & live-electronics

vingt secondes (2020)
version for organ

25 Jun 2020 - world premier of the organ version
Vienna, ORF RadioKulturhaus Wien (A)
Wolfgang Kogert: organ

(7x7)7~KK (2017)
generative sound environment for three dancing sculptures

Mon, 6 Jul 2020, 14:00
Vienna, Heldenplatz (A)
Brus Day - Day of Art in Public Space
Kugelkopf ext.7: KOMIK13
Konzept Kugelkopf: Nagl ~ Wintersberger
Konzept Performance, künstlerische Leitung: Andrea Nagl
Performance: Andrea Nagl, Julia Mariacher, Carla Schuler
Musik: Karlheinz Essl

Prends le Fa (2019)
for piano solo

Fri, 10 Jul 2020 - world premier
Belfast (UK)
Moving On Music - BRB Series #5
Xenia Pestova Bennett: piano

Sequitur VIII (2008)
for electric guitar and live-electronics

Sat, 11 Jul 2020, 20:00
Civitella D'Agliano, Paul Wiedmer Serpara Museum (I)
Garden Music
Francesco Cuoghi: electric guitar, live-electronics

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback

Sat, 18 Jul 2020, 17:00
Lech am Arlberg, Hotel Kristiania (A)
Ensemble Recherche
Klaus Steffes-Holländer: toy piano

Puzzle of Purcell (2017)
transcription for organ solo
Tue, 28 Jul 2020, 11:00am   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
Vienna, Hofburgkapelle (A)
Tagung der Gesellschaft der Orgelfreunde
Willkommen in der Gegenwart!
Wolfgang Kogert: church organ

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback

Thu, 6 Aug 2020, 2:30pm EST
Brooklyn, New York City (USA)
ACOUSTIC+ - Works for Toy Piano and Electronics
Dorothy Chan: toy piano

trans-Art (2020)
interactive performance for live painting and live sound
Thu, 13 Aug 2020
Wals, Atelier Astrid Rieder (A)
Symposium SUMMIT of trans-Art
Astrid Rieder: live painting
Karlheinz Essl: realtime composition and live-electronics

vingt secondes (2020)
version for organ

31 Aug 2020, 23:00
Ö1 Zeit-Ton (Austrian Radio)
Orgel-Mitschnitte als Zeitdokument
Sieben Uraufführungen in Corona-Zeiten. Wolfgang Kogert an der Orgel des Großen Sendesaales
Wolfgang Kogert: organ

WebernSpielWerk (2005)
for toy piano solo
Wed, 7 Sep 2020, 18:00
Oberstockstall, Weingut Oberstockstall (A)
Kultur beim Winzer
Isabel Ettenauer: toy piano

Pachinko (2013)
for toy piano and computer
Wed, 7 Sep 2020, 18:00
Oberstockstall, Weingut Oberstockstall (A)
Kultur beim Winzer
Isabel Ettenauer: toy piano & computer

7x7 - fo(u)r saxophones (2006)
musical mobile for 4 saxophones

Fri, 11 Sep 2020, 18:30
Ried im Innkreis, Landesmusikschule (A)
Hörsturm 2020 - Festival für zeitgenössische Musik und Performance
Mobilis Saxophonquartett

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback

Thu, 17 Sep 2020, 19:00
Frankfurt am Main, KunstKulturKirche Allerheiligen (D)
Marco Ramaglia: toy piano

Sequitur V (2008)
for toy piano and live electronics

Wed, 16 Sep 2020, 21:15
Rome, Goethe Institute (I)
Festival ARTESCIENZA: accelerazione | decelerazione
Arianna Granieri: toy piano
Giuseppe Silvi: live-electronics

colorado (2005-2008)
for saxophon quartet, live electronics and surround sound

Sun, 20 Sep 2020, 21:15
Rome, Goethe Institute (I)
Festival ARTESCIENZA: accelerazione | decelerazione
SAXATILE Saxophone Quartet
Anilo Perticaro: soprano sax
Mattia Catarinozzi: alto sax
Enzo Filippetti: tenor sax
Maurizio Schifitto: baritone sax
Giuseppe Silvi: live-electronics

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback

Thu, 24 Sep 2020, 12:30
Heilbronn, Baden-Württembergische Bank (D)
HörMal – Die musikalische Mittagspause
Dorrit Bauerecker: toy piano

HerrGott! (2019)
Kommentar zu einem Wienerlied für Orgel solo

Sun, 4 Oct 2020, 15:00 - première
Vienna, St. Stephen's Cathedral (A)
Inauguration of the New Domorgel
Konstantin Reymaier: church organ

under wood (2012)
for two amplified toy pianos (one player) and ensemble
Wed, 7 Oct 2020, 19:30
Vienna, Reaktor (A)
Ensemble Reconsil, Dir. Antanina Kalechyts
toy pianos: Isabel Ettenauer

Gold.Berg.Werk (2003-2019)
Interpretation of Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations
Version for piano and electronic sounds

Wed, 21 Oct 2020, 7:30pm   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
Dublin, St Ann's Church (IE)
Gold.Berg.Werk By Karlheinz Essl For Piano and Live Electronics
Xenia Pestova Bennett: piano
Ed Bennett: sound projection

Gold.Berg.Werk (2003-2019)
Interpretation of Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations
Version for piano and electronic sounds

Thu, 22 Oct 2020, 8pm   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
Letterkenny, An Grianán Theatre (IE)
Gold.Berg.Werk By Karlheinz Essl For Piano and Live Electronics
Xenia Pestova Bennett: piano
Ed Bennett: sound projection

Gold.Berg.Werk (2003-2019)
Interpretation of Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations
Version for piano and electronic sounds

Sat, 24 Oct 2020, 8pm   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
Ennis, glór (IE)
Gold.Berg.Werk By Karlheinz Essl For Piano and Live Electronics
Xenia Pestova Bennett: piano
Ed Bennett: sound projection

Gold.Berg.Werk (2003-2019)
Interpretation of Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations
Version for piano and electronic sounds

Sun, 25 Oct 2020, 3pm   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
Cork, Triskel Arts Centre (IE)
Gold.Berg.Werk By Karlheinz Essl For Piano and Live Electronics
Xenia Pestova Bennett: piano
Ed Bennett: sound projection

Gold.Berg.Werk (2003-2019)
Interpretation of Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations
Version for piano and electronic sounds

Sun, 25 Oct 2020, 8pm   CANCELLED due to COVID-19!
Cork, Triskel Arts Centre (IE)
Gold.Berg.Werk By Karlheinz Essl For Piano and Live Electronics
Xenia Pestova Bennett: piano
Ed Bennett: sound projection

Isabel Ettenauer plays Toy Piano Music by Karlheinz Essl

Riga, St. Saviour's Church (LV)
30. October 2020
New Music Festival ARENA


© 2013 Julia Wesely

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback
Pachinko (2013)
for toy piano and computer
WebernSpielWerk (2005)
for toy piano solo
whatever shall be (2010)
for toy piano, dreidel, chop sticks, music box and live electronics

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback

Thu, 29 Oct 2020, 20:00
Madrid, CentroCentro (E)
Neus Estarellas Calderón: toy piano

upward, behind the onstreaming it mooned (2001)
3rd string quartet
Sun, 1 Nov 2020, 19:30
Vienna, Konzerthaus (A)
Arditti Quartet


Sequitur XIII (2008)
for piano and live-electronics

Tue, 3 Nov 2020, 12pm
Perth, University of Western Australia (AUS)
Conservatorium of Music, Callaway Music Auditorium
Josiah Padmanabham: piano
Victor Arul: live-electronics

unbestimmt (2020)
for an organist and assistants
Sat, 7 Nov 2020 - online streaming
Vienna, Michaelerkirche (A)
Hiroe Imaizumi: organ
Roman Summereder: assistant


HerrGott! (2019)
Kommentar zu einem Wienerlied für Orgel solo

Sun, 22 Nov 2020, 10:15
Vienna, St. Stephen's Cathedral (A)
Hochamt zum Christkönigssonntag
Livestream auf Radio Stephansdom
Konstantin Reymaier: organ

Sequitur X (2010)
for trombone and live-electronics

Wed, 2 Dec 2020
Kent, Kent State University (USA)
Master Recital Evan Spacht
Evan Spacht: trombone
Sam Roberts: live-electronics

Sequitur I (2008)
for flute and live-electronics

Fri, 4 Dec 2020, 7pm   RESCHEDULED to 2021 due to COVID-19!
Helsinki, WHS Teatteri Union (FIN)
Hanna Kinnunen: flute
Timo Kurkikangas: live-electronics

Sequitur II (2008)
for bass clarinet and live-electronics

Fri, 4 Dec 2020, 7pm   RESCHEDULED to 2021 due to COVID-19!
Helsinki, WHS Teatteri Union (FIN)
Mikko Raasakka: bass clarinet
Timo Kurkikangas: live-electronics

Forms of Life_EXT. (2019-2020)

Fri, 11 Dec 2020, 20:00   RESCHEDULED to 2021 due to COVID-19!
Wien, OFF-Theater (A)
Andrea Nagl: Choreographie, Tanzperformance, Oceandrum, Klangfeile, Stimme, Shrutibox, Glocken, E-Gitarre
Karlheinz Essl: Komposition, Live-Elektronik
Markus Wintersberger: Objekte, Bühnengestaltung, Video

Forms of Life_EXT. (2019-2020)

Sat, 12 Dec 2020, 20:00   RESCHEDULED to 2021 due to COVID-19!
Wien, OFF-Theater (A)
Andrea Nagl: Choreographie, Tanzperformance, Oceandrum, Klangfeile, Stimme, Shrutibox, Glocken, E-Gitarre
Karlheinz Essl: Komposition, Live-Elektronik
Markus Wintersberger: Objekte, Bühnengestaltung, Video

Sequitur VI (2010)
for trumpet and live-electronics

Thu, 10 Dec 2020, 7pm
Madison, University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA)
Virtual DMA Solo Recital
Gilson Da Silva: trumpet
Aaron Gochberg: live-electronics

Puzzle of Purcell (2017)
transcription for organ solo
Tue, 15 Dec 2020, 17:15 - premiere of the organ transcription   RESCHEDULED to 2021 due to COVID-19!
Linz, Martin-Luther-Kirche (A)
Wolfgang Kogert: church organ

Home Works Sounds Bibliography Concerts

Updated: 4 Sep 2023
