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The Nacheinander. (...)
That is the ineluctable modality of the audible.
James Joyce: Ulysses - chapter III
Sequitur is a series of 14 compositions for various solo instruments and live-electronics written for outstanding soloists. Somehow it can be seen as a reference to Luciano Berio's famous Sequenze cycle of solo pieces which focus on specific playing techniques of the respective instrument. Essl's Sequitur cycle includes pieces for orchestral instruments like flute and violin, but also for voice, electric guitar, toy piano or kalimba.
All Sequitur composition use a software written in MaxMSP which creates an electronic accompaniment from the instrument’s live input; the player is confronted with his own playing, and this creates a situation like moving in a house of mirrors where the identities become blurred. Each piece can be either performed by the player alone using a pedal for controlling the live-electronics. Alternatively, a second musician can perform the electronic part with a MIDI controller.
The Sequitur software generates a complex canon on the fly, the temporal structure and density of which being controlled by random operations. This yields different results every time the piece is performed. Although following a precisely notated score, there is always a good portion of surprise for the musician which emphasizes his awareness and attentiveness.
A short and comprehensive introduction to Sequitur
Video message for the audience of the Austrian Cultural Forum in New York
where Monica Germino was performing Karlheinz Essl's piece "Sequitur III"
for violin and live-electronics on June 13th, 2013.
Zwischen 2008–2010 schuf Karlheinz Essl den 14-teiligen Zyklus Sequitur für unterschiedlichste Soloinstrumente und Live-Elektronik, der an die berühmten Sequenze von Luciano Berio anknüpft. Hatte dieser einst prototypische Solostücke geschaffen, in denen die jeweiligen Instrumente mit all ihren klanglichen Finessen virtuos in Szene gesetzt werden, so geht es Essl um die Erweiterung dieses Ansatzes unter Einbeziehung der Live-Elektronik: Ein penibel auskomponierter und live gespielter Solopart wird in ein eigens dafür geschaffenes Computerprogramm eingespeist, das daraus in Echtzeit einen elektronischen Kontrapunkt generiert. Diese “Begleitung” wird ausschließlich vom Input des Soloinstruments (bzw. der Stimme) bestimmt, das mit sich selbst in vielfache Beziehung tritt. Wie in einem Spiegelkabinett lösen sich die ursprünglichen Identitäten auf und erzeugen ein komplexes Beziehungsgefüge, das einen tranceartigen Sog ausübt.
El ciclo Sequitur consta de 14 composiciones diferentes para diversos instrumentos y electrónica en vivo. Puede ser visto como una referencia al famoso ciclo Sequenze de Luciano Berio, que se centran en técnicas de interpretación específicas de cada instrumento.
Sequitur utiliza un software escrito en MaxMSP que crea un acompañamiento electrónico desde la entrada en directo del instrumento; el intérprete se enfrenta a su propia interpretación, y esto crea una situación como la que se da en una casa de espejos, donde las identidades se vuelven borrosas.
El software genera un complejo canon sobre la marcha, la estructura temporal y la densidad están controladas por operaciones aleatorias. Esto produce resultados diferentes cada vez que la pieza se lleva a cabo. Aunque se siguiera al pie de la letra la partitura, siempre hay parte de sorpresa para el músico que tiene que hacer hincapié en su conciencia y atención.
The Sequitur cycle consists of 14 individual compositions for various solo instruments. By clicking on the red titles below, you'll find more information about a specific piece which also includes scores, recordings and videos which are free for download.
Title | Instrument | Dedication | Premier | Duration |
Sequitur I | flute & live-electronics | Cordula Bösze, Vienna (A) | 20 Jun 2008 | 8 min |
Sequitur II | (bass) clarinet & live-electronics | Georg Riedl, Vienna (A) | 23 Apr 2008 | 10 min |
Sequitur III | violin & live-electronics | Barbara Lüneburg, Amsterdam (NL) | 17 Apr 2008 | 8 min |
Sequitur IIIb | viola & live-electronics | Judith Reiter, Vienna (A) | 2018 | 8 min |
Sequitur IV | cello & live-electronics | Anton Lukoszevieze, Norwich (UK) | 29 Nov 2008 | 15 min |
Sequitur IVb | viola & live-electronics | Alexander Bruck, México City (MX) | 2 Sep 2011 | 15 min |
Sequitur V | toy piano & live-electronics | Isabel Ettenauer, St. Pölten (A) | 20 Jun 2008 | 8 min |
Sequitur VI | trumpet & live-electronics | Jörg Engels, Vienna (A) | 20 Jun 2008 | 7 min |
Sequitur VII | alto saxophone & live-electronics | Lars Mlekusch, Vienna (A) | 17 Oct 2008 | 7 min |
Sequitur VIII | electric guitar & live-electronics | Seth Josel, Berlin (D) | 4 Apr 2008 | 9 min |
Sequitur IX | mezzo soprano (or tenor) & live-electronics | Margarete Jungen, Vienna (A) | 5 Sep 2008 | 10 min |
Sequitur X | trombone & live-electronics | Mike Svoboda, Basel (CH) | 27 Nov 2010 | 12 min |
Sequitur XI | vibraphone, cymbal & live-electronics | Stephan Froleyks, Münster (D) | 12 Feb 2010 | 12 min |
Sequitur XII | harpsichord & live-electronics | Maja Mijatović, Vienna (A) | 5 Dec 2009 | 13 min |
Sequitur XIII | extended piano & live-electronics | Tzenka Dianova, Victoria (CAN) | 9 Jun 2010 | 14 min |
Sequitur XIV | kalimba & live-electronics | Jennifer Hymer, Hamburg (D) | 12 Sep 2009 | 15 min |
Karlheinz Essl explaining the compositional concepts behind Sequitur
during his residency at Pomona College, Claremont (CA)
Lyman Hall, 5 Feb 2011
Karlheinz Essl im Gespräch mit Dirk d'Ase über Sequitur
Konservatorium Wien, 13 Nov 2013
Sequitur XI performed by Victor Pons solo
Goat Farm Arts Center
Atlanta, 25 May 2013
Stephanie Chua performing Sequitur XIV
Karlheinz Essl, A Portrait
Toronto, 17 Feb 2012
Mike Svoboda and Karlheinz Essl performing Sequitur X
ZKM - Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie
Karlsruhe, 27 Nov 2010
Barbara Lüneburg performing Sequitur III
Vienna, 30 Oct 2010
Margarete Jungen & Karlheinz Essl performing Sequitur IX
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Library
Vienna, 20 Oct 2009
Karlheinz Essl performing Sequitur IX
SOUND MARKS: Solo Performance Karlheinz Essl
Berlin, 23 Jun 2009
Isabel Ettenauer performing Sequitur V
Klosterneuburg, 11 Mar 2009
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Updated: 10 Jun 2023