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In Latin, "non sequitur" means "it does not follow."
It denotes an abrupt, illogical, unexpected or absurd turn of a dialogue -
a sort of logical fallacy.
non Sequitur is a series of pieces for various gadgets (like punch-tape controlled music boxes, kalimbas or sound sculptures) and live-electronics which are side products of Karlheinz Essl's Sequitur cycle. Although the non Sequitur pieces are using a similar software as the Sequitur compositions, they are mainly based on improvisation and can only be played by Karlheinz Essl himself.
Eventually, some of those pieces have been transformed into precisely notated compositions, such as Pandora's Secret (for punch-tape controlled music box) or Sequitur XIV (for kalimba and live-electronics).
Karlheinz Essl performing non Sequitur on a kalimba
Lacking Sounds Festival: noiseKitchen@Digital Arts Center
Taipei, 13 Apr 2013
Video: Wan-Yu Lin
Karlheinz Essl performing non Sequitur on a sound sculpture created by Johann Feilacher
INTO THE BLUE: improvisation concert
Seitzersdorf-Wolfpassing, 26 Jun 2010
Video: Sylvia Kummer
Karlheinz Essl performing non Sequitur for kalimba and live-electronics
SOUND MARKS: Solo Performance Karlheinz Essl
Berlin, 23 Jun 2009
Video: Christoph Radke
non Sequitur (2009) for sound sculpture and live-electronics
Karlheinz Essl: sound sculpture & live-electronics
Recorded live at the Technical Museum Vienna, 3 Oct 2009
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Updated: 8 Jun 2017