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Carambol (1986) - tape music
Produced by Karlheinz Essl at the Institute for Electro-Acoustic Music
University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna
One of Karlheinz Essl's earliest electronic compositions, realized 1986 at the Institute for Electro-Acoustic and Experimental Music at the Music University of Vienna. Its total duration is 6:08.The piece is entirely based on the recording of two billard balls bouncing together. Filtering this basic material (a few centimeters of tape) with various settings of an ancient Brühl & Kjær one-third-octave-band-filter led to different variants of the billard ball click that were stored on magnetic tape.
With these few elements, the entire piece was composed by realizing a score that was composed beforehand only by using the technique of cutting and splicing of tiny pieces of magnetic tape.
Während seiner Residency im Atelier Klangforschung (Würzburg) spricht Karlheinz Essl über
seine frühe elektronische Tonband-Komposition Carambol, die 1986 mit einfachsten analogen
Mitteln am Institut für elektroakustische Musik der
Musikhochschule Wien entstanden ist.
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Elena Ungeheuer (4 Feb 2014)
Carambol; Realisationspartitur S. 1
Carambol; Realisationspartitur S. 6
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Updated: 11 Aug 2015