Karlheinz Essl

Portrait KHE

H.E.A.D. (Hearing Entirely Artificial Dreams)

generative soundscapes based on binaural field recordings
2018 ff.

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H.E.A.D. (Hearing Entirely Artificial Dreams) is a work-in-progress that started in 2018. It is based on artificial head technology ("Kunstkopf-Stereophonie") which allows the transmission of 3D spatial audio through simple headphones.

H.E.A.D. includes a number of different pieces: Each is dedicated to a specific location or situation, based on four typical soundscapes explored there. It covers a wide range of soundscapes found in cities, landscapes, industrial plants, concert halls and museums, restaurants and private spaces in various locations around the world.

All soundscapes have been recorded with a special binaural microphone, the Sennheiser Ambeo Smart Headset. They are algorithmically mixed by a computer program written in Max, which creates an infinite sonic process: a dreamlike and surrealistic narrative which is based on the idea of permanent transition that might change the listener's perception. Everything that seemed familiar and ordered is transformed into a fluid state that challenges the listener to take a new position which – in turn – is questioned again.

As each piece contains four different soundscapes, its title is also made up of four letters - like G.R.A.Z. - referring to the location or situation in which the sounds were recorded. The title is an acronym that expands into a short, mysterious sentence such as "Generic Research on Ambient Zones". The interpretation is left to the listener.


User interface of H.E.A.D.
© 2018 ff. by Karlheinz Essl

The software is written in Max, utilizing a bunch of algorithms that have been formulated by Karlheinz Essl in his RTC-lib (Realtime Composition Library), exploring various modes of chance and randomness in realtime.


Binaural sound recording at Lunz, Austria
© 2018 Simon Essl



G.R.A.Z. | W.I.E.N. | L.I.N.Z
S.A.L.Z. | O.S.L.O. | B.U.R.G.
F.U.R.T. | S.A.L.O. | S.O.U.L.
C.L.U.J. | F.R.E.I. | H.O.R.N.
V.E.I.T. | A.D.A.M. | P.I.L.S.
F.E.L.D. | G.E.N.F. | P.I.R.A.
G.A.R.S. | M.A.N.T. | V.A.N.N.


R.E.T.Z. | L.U.N.Z. | M.I.D.I.
E.L.B.A. | M.A.Y.A. | N.I.J.O.
P.A.R.K. | W.A.L.D. | S.A.R.D.


D.U.N.A | D.Y.J.E. | L.A.G.O.
E.L.B.E | S.W.I.M. | B.A.C.H.
M.I.R.A. | E.G.E.R. | B.A.T.H.


R.I.D.E. | W.A.L.K. | W.O.R.K.
B.A.H.N. | F.L.U.G. | T.E.C.H.
P.L.A.Y. | B.I.K.E. | S.W.I.M.
L.O.C.K. | T.R.A.M.

Humans & Animals

C.H.A.T. | M.E.A.L | L.I.F.E.
R.O.T.I. | K.I.D.S. | T.I.E.R.
B.I.R.D. | F.O.O.D. | M.O.N.T.


C.A.G.E | S.I.L.L. | M.A.P.S.
J.A.C.K. | A.R.T.S. | I.N.R.I.
P.R.O.B. | L.I.V.E. | F.O.R.M.
G.O.L.D. | T.U.B.E. | H.O.R.N.
B.E.N.D. | H.O.M.E. | C.E.R.N.
B.O.O.K. | F.A.L.L. | S.A.X.O.
N.O.N.O. | F.E.S.T. | T.O.U.R.

G.R.A.Z. (Generic Research on Ambient Zones)
Generative soundscape based on a random walk between four binaural recordings from different spots in the city of Graz (Austria), recorded on April 19th, 2018.
Released: 27 Apr 2018

1) farmers market near the Opera
2) street crossing at the Stadtpark with cars, motorbikes and bicycles
3) trams, busses and passengers at Jakominiplatz
4) birds and a creek in the park of the Music University with a distant vibraphone.

W.I.E.N. (Where Intelligence Enhances Neuroticism)
Generative soundscape based on a random walk between four binaural recordings from different spots in Vienna (Austria), recorded between March and May 2018.
Released: 10 May 2018

1) Café Mozart near the Opera
2) reading hall of the Austrian National Library
3) children’s playground at Draschepark
4) a pond near Gerasdorf with swimmers and kids

R.E.T.Z. (Restoring Energy Through Zest)
Generative soundscape based on a random walk between four binaural recordings from different spots in the region of Retz (Austria), recorded on June 8th, 2018.
Released: 10 Jun 2018

1) the main square in the city of Retz
2) Czech people talking in a bar in Šatov
3) birds singing near the river Thaya
4) a so-called "Kellergasse" in Retz

D.U.N.A. (Diluted Units of Natural Atmosphere)
Generative soundscape based on a random walk between four binaural recordings from different spots of the Danube Delta in Romania, recorded in May 2018.
Released: 6 Aug 2018

1) morning atmosphere near Sulina
2) evening atmosphere near Sulina
3) frog concert with paddle boats in Canal Magearu
4) birds singing at Lacu Iaco

L.U.N.Z. (Lazy Unicorns Nibble Zealously)
Generative soundscape based on a random walk between four binaural recordings from different spots made in Lunz (Austria), recorded on August 7th, 2018.
Released: 9 Aug 2018

1) hikers escaping an approaching thunderstorm
2) rain and thunder at the courtyard of the castle
3) swimming in the lake
4) ride on an electric canoe through a narrow water canal

R.I.D.E. (Rough Interplay of Dream & Ecstasy)
Generative soundscape based on a random walk between four binaural recordings from different attraction at Prater, the famous amusement park in Vienna, Austria on August 11th, 2018.
Released: 13 Aug 2018

1) Achterbahn (outside recording of a rollercoaster)
2) Hochschaubahn (a ride on an vintage rollercoaster which is suited for kids)
3) Geisterbahn (riding on a ghost train)
4) Liliputbahn (a ride on miniature steam locomotive through the park)

D.Y.J.E. (Do-it Yourself Jealous Emperor)
Generative soundscape based on a random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded at the river Thaya (Czech: Dyje) in June and August 2018.
Released: 25 Aug 2018

1) Thaya in Liebnitz at night
2) Thaya National Park at Einsiedlerhöhle
3) forest atmosphere with church bell from Hardegg
4) water noise of a fish bassin

W.A.L.K. (What About Luscious Kidneys?)
Generative soundscape based on a random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded in June and August 2018.
Released: 27 Aug 2018

1) walking through the Essl Museum
2) two persons marching and running in a reverberant hall
3) Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna: gallery #13 with Rubens paintings
4) walking through the forest of the Thaya National Park

W.O.R.K. (Which Operations Require Knives?)
Generative soundscape based on a random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded between May and August 2018.
Released: 2 Sep 2018

1) unloading a truck at the Danube delta in Romania
2) two luthiers (father and son) building a Braguinha in Funchal, Madeira
3) me preparing breakfast at home
4) a construction site in the outskirts of Vienna where a caterpillar is operating a jackhammer

C.H.A.T. (Cryonic Heat at Average Temperature)
Generative soundscape based on a random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded between February and August 2018.
Released: 3 Sep 2018

1) british-portugese small talk at the breakfast terrace of a hotel in Madeira
2) multi-lingual guests at a Chinese restaurant in Vienna
3) art education talk for schoolgirls at Kunsthalle Bremen
4) two elderly Viennese couples at the Lobau making jokes

B.A.H.N. (Binaural Ambient Head Noise)
Generative soundscape based on a random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded in March and April 2018 in Vienna.
Released: 3 Sep 2018

1) main hall of the railway station Wien-Meidling
2) a ride on the D tram
3) entrance of Franz-Josephs-Bahnhof
4) at the elevator of the metro station U4 Heiligenstadt with a violin player in the background

M.E.A.L. (Meeting Eva At Lunch)
Generative soundscape based on a random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded on 6 Sep 2018 at Manfred Buchinger's restaurant Alte Schule in Riedenthal, Austria.
Released: 7 Sep 2018

1) kitchen with chef
2) guests in the garden outside the restaurant
3) an empty guest room
4) bathroom

F.L.U.G. (Frequent Luggage User Gateway)
Generative soundscape based on a random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded between May and September 2018 on various European airports
Released: 10 Sep 2018

1) check-in at Terminal 1 of the Vienna International Airport (VIE)
2) entrance hall of the railway station at the Vienna International Airport (VIE)
3) waiting hall of the Henri Coandă International Airport Bucarest (OTP)
4) riding on a conveyor belt between gate C6 and C8 at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS)

L.A.G.O. (Liquids Are Generally Obstructive)
Generative soundscape based on a random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded in September 2018 at Lake Garda, Italy
Released: 28 Sep 2018

1) evening at the lake promenade in Saló with thunder and bells
2) shore of Garda with anchored sailing boats
3) beach of Sirmione
4) fountain in the park of Vittoriale in Gardone

L.I.F.E. (Looking Into Four Environments)
ASMR-like generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded by Simon Essl on Oct 6th, 2018 in Klosterneuburg, Austria.
Released: 22 Oct 2018

1) morning routine
2) departure
3) silence in the forest
4) domestic work

O.S.L.O. (Obvious Sounds Linger Obviously)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded between Oct 25th and 27th, 2018 in Oslo, Norway:
Released: 27 Oct 2018

1) place in front of the Royal castle
2) street crossing with lots of trams but nearly no cars in the very center,
3) Glasmagasinet department store
4) small café "Anne på landet" in the Vigelands park

C.A.G.E. (Casino Atmosphere Generating Empathy)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded on November 5th, 2018 at the Grand Hall of Konzerthaus Vienna during project Casino Cage of the festival WIEN MODERN:
Released: 18 Nov 2018

1) audience entering the hall
2) sounds of the roulette table which was used to determine the sequence of pieces
3) excerpts of Luciano Berio's Sequenza XIV for cello solo, performed by Anna Maria Niemiec
4) excerpts of Luciano Berio's Sequenza VII for oboe solo, performed by Claire Colombo

S.I.L.L. (Sounds Intercept Little Lovers)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded betwen November 8-9th, 2018 in and around Mittersill - a small town in Salzburg, Austria where Anton Webern has been shot by an American GI on 15 Sep 1945.
Released: 10 Nov 2018

1) my sound installlation WebernUhrWerk played on the main square, surrounded by traffic
2) the grave of Anton Webern at the cemetery of Mittersill
3) snuffling cows on a meadow with cow bells
4) a calm and silent pasture on top of Mittersill

B.U.R.G. (Best Unifications Require Generosity)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded on November 16th, 2018 at the traditional Leopoldimarkt in Klosterneuburg.
Released: 17 Nov 2018

1) a verbose merchant selling cooking knives
2) distant sounds of the amusement park
3) a rehearsal on the famous Bruckner organ at the monastery
4) the gothic courtyard with a fountain.

M.A.P.S. (Mater Alma Provides Security)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded on November 17th, 2018 at the premier of Georg Nussbaumers Atlas der gesamten Musik und aller angrenzenden Gebiete, performed by 300 students of the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna during the festival WIEN MODERN.
Released: 7 Oct 2019

1) four groups of wind instruments at the foyer
2) a walk from a clarinet quartet towards a cello ensemble at Haydnsaal
3) a salsa group alternating with and harpist Luise Adler and the so-called "piano hell"
4) people walking through the campus park.

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Komponisten Georg Nussbaumer, der MDW (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien) und des Festivals WIEN MODERN.

T.E.C.H. (Teaching Electronic Composition Helps)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded on November 27th, 2018 at the collection of mechanical music instruments of the Technical Museum Vienna.
Released: 28 Nov 2018

1) demonstration of the Hupfeld Phonoliszt-Violiona player piano
2) demonstration of a mechanical barrel organ
3) a quite exhibition space with the mechanical music instruments
4) a walk through the museum from the top level down to the exit

S.A.L.Z. (Sound Adventures Look Zany)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded on December 7th, 2018 at the city of Salzburg, Austria
Released: 10 Dec 2018

1) pedestrian zone Linzer Gasse
2) horse carts at the Christmas market
3) rehearsal of a male choir and a brass ensemble at the Salzburg Cathedral
4) silence inside Franziskanerkirche

J.A.C.K. (Just Another Crazy Kid)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded between December 15-16th, 2018 in Berlin, Germany. A present to my old friend Jack Hauser for his 60th birthday.
Released: 19 Dec 2018

1) a cemetry in Berlin-Kreuzberg, close to the grave of E.T.A. Hoffmann
2) a ride on the metro line U7 between Südstern and Grenzwall
3) my sound installation AIR BORNE at the Aerodynamic Park of the Humboldt University in Adlershof
4) audience at Volksbühne Berlin just before the concert of Irmin Schmidt, the founder of CAN.

R.O.T.I. (Recurring Operations Throughout India)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded in February 2019 in South India in the states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka.
Released: 24 Feb 2019

1) vegetable market in Mysore
2) a bronze workshop in Thanjavur
3) morning atmosphere on a houseboat in the backwaters of Allepey
4) fishermen pulling out a net from the sea near Varkala

L.I.N.Z. (Looking Into Nebulous Zodiacs)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded between July 17-18th, 2019 in Linz, Austria.
Released: 20 Jul 2019

1) breakfast buffet at Hotel Goldener Adler
2) nudism beach at a small lake called "Weikerlsee"
3) steel-mill at VÖEST
4) sound sculpture with mathematicians at Bruckner University

K.I.D.S. (Kicking Into Dreary Surroundings)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes with kids, recorded in spring and summer 2019 in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Austria
Released: 28 Jul 2019

1) beach of a small lake near Suchdol nad Lužnicí (CZ)
2) kids animation room at the South Bohemian Museum in Budweis (CZ)
3) visitor's platform of the so-called "Fire Tower" in Sopron (HU)
4) skating ring at Lake Neusiedl in Rust (A)

F.U.R.T. (Failed Urban Renewal Turnaround)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded in spring and summer 2019 in Klagenfurt, Austria
Released: 3 Aug 2019

1) early morning at Lake Wörth
2) skater at Neuer Platz close to the Lindworm fountain
3) bakery Wienerroither at the main train station
4) evening atmosphere in Pörtschach

E.L.B.E. (Erotic Love Brings Empathy)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded on April 27th, 2019 in Hamburg, Germany:
Released: 14 Aug 2019

1) Elbe shore vis-à-vis Landungsbrücken
2) public park "Planten un Bloemen"
3) Radisson Blu hotel with a self-playing Yamaha Disklavier
4) walking through the Kunstgewerbemuseum with cembalist Goska Isphording rehearsing

M.I.D.I. (Mediterranean Influence Delights Intellectuals)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded between Aug 23rd and 24th, 2019 in the South of France:
Released: 26 Aug 2019

1) horse feeding in the Camargue
2) sunrise near Saintes-Maries-de-la-mer with blackbirds
3) street restaurant at Aigues-Mortes in the evening
4) pedestrian zone in Montpellier with music boxes

S.A.L.O. (Speaking About Lost Opportunities)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded in September 2018 and September 2019 in Salò, Italy.
Released: 25 Sep 2019

1) inside the ancient dome
2) at the pier
3) standing in the middle of the pedestrian zone
4) sitting at the bar of Caffé Vassalli

E.L.B.A. (Eremites Longing for Boisterous Antiphons)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded in September 2019 on the Island of Elba, Italy.
Released: 26 Sep 2019

1) Piazza del Popolo in Rio nell'Elba on Friday evening
2) the Elba Rally witnessed from afar
3) the breaking of waves at Spiaggia del Cannello
4) a nightly thunderstorm in Rio nell'Elba

Dedicated to Jörg Duit and his INTONAZIONE festival at Eremo S. Caterina in Rio nell'Elba

A.R.T.S. (Art Resembles Tiny Shrutis)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded on Nov 7th, 2019 in Vienna at Kunsthistorisches Museum (exhibition Caravaggio & Bernini) and the Italian Cultural Institute (finissage Andreas Lunghi TACET with Karlheinz Essl's sound installation Checkin' my Shrutis).
Released: 8 Nov 2019

1) Kunsthistorisches Museum: Saal IV
2) Kunsthistorisches Museum: Kunstkammer Wien
3) Italian Cultural Institute: sound walk
4) Italian Cultural Institute: exhibition space

Dedicated to the photographer Andrea Lunghi

M.A.Y.A. (Moving Around Your Apple)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded in February 2019 at the following locations in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, South India.
Released: 17 Nov 2019

1) Thanjavur: hotel window
2) Varkala: fishermen at the beach
3) Alleppey: house boat
4) Ooty: garden of Hotel Savoy

A contribution to the release South Asia PhoNographic Mornings, curated by Stéphane Marin.

S.O.U.L. (Save Our United Life)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded between Nov 23-24, 2019 in Seoul, Rep. of Korea
Released: 26 Nov 2019

1) Buddhist chanting at the Jogyesa temple
2) anti-government demonstration in front of the Gyeongbokgung Palace
3) moments of silence at the old city wall
4) at the backside of Zaha Hadid's Dongdaemun Design Plaza

N.I.J.O. (Nine Inch Jail Operation)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded on Nov 18th, 2019 at the Nijo Palace in Kyoto, Japan.
Released: 30 Dec 2019

1) the so-called Nightingale Corridor
2) tea garden
3) cherry grove
4) construction at the Honmaru Garden

P.L.A.Y. (Performing Landscapes All Year)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded between Nov 17-24, 2019 in Kyoto, Japan.
Released: 30 Dec 2019

1) playground near the Nijo Palace
2) street scene with cars, bikes and joggers
3) ritual music at the Higashimaru Shrine
4) rehearsal of J.B. Staudt's Mulier fortis at the Museum of Kyoto.

B.I.K.E. (Believe In Kinetic Energy!)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded in spring 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic in Vienna and its surrounding.
Released: 19 Apr 2020

1) a railway crossing gate in Klosterneuburg
2) Kongresspark in Vienna on Saturday noon
3) animal cemetery in Vienna
4) pedestrian bridge in the swamps of Stockerau

Das Ö1 Kunstradio hat den österreichischen Komponisten Karlheinz Essl beauftragt im Rahmen seines Work-in-Progress H.E.A.D. (Hearing Entirely Artificial Dreams), das auf einer Kunstkopf-Technologie ("Kunstkopf-Stereophonie") basiert und eine Übertragung von räumlichem 3D-Klang über einfache Kopfhörer ermöglicht, an dem Location Podcast Aufruf teilzunehmen.

Entstanden ist die 10-minütige binaurale Arbeit "B.I.K.E. (Believe In Kinetic Energy!)". Diese generative Klanglandschaft basiert auf einem zweidimensionalen Random Walk zwischen vier binauralen Soundscapes. Aufgenommen hat sie Karlheinz Essl im Frühjahr 2020 während der COVID-19 Pandemie in Wien und Umgebung.

"B.I.K.E. (Believe In Kinetic Energy!)" setzt sich zusammen aus Aufnahmen von einer Bahnschranke in Klosterneuburg, im Kongresspark in Wien am Samstagmittag, vom Tierfriedhof in Wien und von der Fußgängerbrücke in den Sümpfen von Stockerau. Diese wurden algorithmisch gemischt mit einem in MaxMSP geschriebenen Computerprogramm von Karlheinz Essl.

P.A.R.K. (Picking Another Rural Kitchen)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded between 2019 and 2020 in four different parks around the world.
Released: 18 May 2020

1) Brompton Park (London, UK)
2) Pötzleinsdorfer Schlosspark (Vienna, Austria)
3) Ryōan-ji Temple Garden (Kyoto, Japan)
4) Resort Park (Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India)

S.W.I.M. (See What's Inside Me!)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded in 2018 and 2019 at four different bathing locations.
Released: 18 May 2020

1) Wörthersee (Pörtschach, Carinthia)
2) doggie pool inside the Prater (Vienna, Austria)
3) public beach in Sirmione (Lake Garda, Itay)
4) swimming lake with children (Suchdol nad Lužnicí, Czech Republic

I.N.R.I. (In Nomine Regis Iesu)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded in 2018 and 2020 in four different European churches:
Released: 1 Jun 2020

1) evangelical morning service (London-Brompton, UK)
2) catholic mass (Funchal Cathedral, Madeira)
3) church concert (Vienna-Lainz, Austria)
4) church cleaning (Tulcea, Romania)

L.O.C.K. (Looking On COVID-19 Knockdown)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded between August 2-4, 2020 in the Castle of Lockenhaus (Burgenland) during cultural talks with representatives of the Austrian music life about the COVID-19 crisis.
Released: 7 Aug 2020

1) a round-table discussion on cultural politics
2) setting up the space for the next panel discussion
3) morning concert played by the pianist Marino Formenti
4) thunderstorm with rain and flashes

P.R.O.B. (Performing Relatively Organized Bells)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded between 2019 and 2020 during rehearsals with Karlheinz Essl in Vienna, Austria.
Released: 16 Nov 2020

1) dress rehearsal of the Arditti Quartet performing Essl's 3rd string quartet at the Mozartsaal of Konzerthaus Vienna during the festival WIEN MODERN
2) setting up the space for a concert of Essl's composition class with the Bösendorfer CEUS computer piano at the University of Music and Performing Art in Vienna
3) Ensemble Reconsil (dir. Antanina Kalechyts) and Isabel Ettenauer rehearsing Essl's toy piano concerto under wood at REAKTOR in Vienna
4) organ registration for Essl's piece unbestimmt at St. Michael, Vienna for a concert of the festival WIEN MODERN

C.L.U.J. (Creatures Like Unexplored Jungles)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded on May 1st, 2019 in Cluj, Romania.
Released: 25 Nov 2020

1) inside Biserica Franciscană, a catholic church at the historical center
2) inside Catedrala Mitropolitană, an orthodox temple
3) next to the old city wall
4) families with kids at Parcul Central Simion Bărnutju

W.A.L.D. (We All Live Dutifully)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded between 2018-2020 in different forests in Europe, Africa, and Asia:
Released: 29 Nov 2020

1) bamboo grove at Mt. Inari near Kyoto, Japan with Swiss hikers passing by
2) stereophonic water lapping at Levada do Carniçal, Madeira
3) within a dried up corn field near Lake Wörth in Carinthia, Austria
4) a meadow with crickets inside the alluvial forest of the Danube near Stockerau, Austria

T.I.E.R. (Talkative Improvisation Ends Roughly)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes with animals, recorded between 2019-2021 at various locations in Austria:
Released: 6 Mar 2021

1) pigsty in Carinthia
2) pasture with Angus cattle near Raabs/Thaya
3) pond with bathing dogs at the Prater, Vienna
4) a toddler feeding sheep, goats and a goose in an animal enclosure near Greifenstein

B.A.C.H. (Beloved Aquatic Counterpoint Hearing)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded in spring 2021 at various creeks in Lower Austria:
Released: 9 Jun 2021

1) Krumpenwasser ("Gießgang") inside the Stockerauer Au
2) an artificial creek ("Fischwanderhilfe") at the Danube power plant Greifenstein
3) the river Schwechat which flows peacefully through Helenental close to the monastery of Heiligenkreuz
4) the Mauerbach near the Carthusian monastery of the same name

F.R.E.I. (Freedom Requires Enormous Intellect)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded on 3+4 July 2021 in Freistadt, Upper Austria:
Released: 5 Jul 2021

1) Böhmertor of the ancient city wall
2) Freistadt's main square at Sunday noon with church bells
3) inside the St. Peter church after a concert of the Landgänge festival
4) a walk along the river Feldaist through the forest

L.I.V.E. (Love Interacts Very Empathically)
In memory of 9/11 which happened exactly 20 years ago.

Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded on Sep 11th, 2021 in Salzburg, Austria:
Released: 11 Sep 2021

1) the arrival hall of the railway station Salzburg
2) a rehearsal of a mass at the Cathedrale of Salzburg
3) on the stairs between the cathedrale and the fortress
4) pedestrians in the famous Getreidegasse in Salzburg

F.O.R.M. (Fragile Organisms, Recovered Molecules)

Random walk through the recording of the dance performance Forms of Life, performed on Dec 18th, 2021 at the OFF-Theater Vienna by Andrea Nagl (choreography, dance, instruments) and Karlheinz Essl (composition, live-electronics).
Released: 20 Dec 2021

1) Prolog (in the dark)
2) whispering and breathing
3) sound rasp and voice
4) shruti box and chimes

G.O.L.D. (Geography Of Lucid Dreams)

Random walk through the electronic interludes of Gold.Berg.Werk from the CD recording of this piece (Dublin 2020), binaurally rendered by Karlheinz Essl.
Released: 8 Jan 2022

1) Aria Electronica I
2) Aria Electronica II
3) Aria Electronica III
4) Sarabanda Electronica / Fantasia Chromatica Electronica

T.U.B.E. (Treasures Under Bespoke Excavations)

Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded between March 25-29, 2022 in the Tube system of London.
Released: 2 Apr 2022

1) a ride on the Central Line from West Kensington to Sloane Square
2) passengers, boats and planes on the Thames Walk near London Bridge
3) Liverpool Street Station in the morning
4) Paddington Station in the afternoon

H.O.R.N. (Home Of Revolutionary Numbers)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes of birds, recorded between 2019 and 2022:
Released: 5 Jun 2022

Based on a joint performance by Jack Hauser and Karlheinz Essl at the room installation "Wohnung Miryam van Doren" in Horn (Austria) on April 13th, 2022.

Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded on April 13th, 2022 in Horn (Austria) and surroundings.
Released: 14 Apr 2022

1) exploration #1 of Wohnung Miryam van Doren
2) exploration #2 of Wohnung Miryam van Doren
3) the church square in Horn
4) nature with birds at the river Kamp

B.I.R.D. (Before I Recognised Diversity)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes of birds, recorded between 2019 and 2022.
Released: 5 Jun 2022

1) Feeding pigeons in a sidewalk cafe in Funchal, Madeira
2) Chickens in the morning at Ieud, Romania
3) Biosphere forest in Mauerbach near Vienna
4) Rain in the monastery of Moldovita, Romania

M.I.R.A. (Music Inspires Roughly Anything)
Generative soundscape, based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded on a hot summer day on Sunday, 3 July 2022 in Miramare/Triest, Italy
Released: 5 Jul 2022

1) lotus pond in the park of Miramare
2) seagulls and waves on the shore
3) walking along the beach promenade
4) pedestrian path to Miramare Castle

V.E.I.T. (Voluptious Experiments Introduce Trance)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes, recorded on Thursday July 14th, 2022 in and around St. Veit an der Glan, Carinthia.
Released: 20 Jul 2022

1) beach scene at the lake of St. Georgen
2) a group of men bowling near the wooden Dreifaltigkeit church
3) a bench next to the church of St. Veit
4) outdoor dining place on the main square of St. Veit

S.A.R.D. (Sounds Anticipate Rumours Directly)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded between 15 and 20 September 2022 on the island of Sardinia, Italy.
Released: 22 Sep 2022

1) a street market in San Pantaleo
2) the port of the island La Maddalena
3) beach scenery at Spiaggia Mannena
4) water sprinklers at Hotel Airone

F.O.O.D. (Foul Odour Obviously Detected)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded between 2019 and 2022 in different parts of the world.
Released: 26 Sep 2022

1) tea ceremony at the Myoshin-ji Zen Temple in Kyoto, Japan
2) eating Sichuan food in an authentic restaurant in Vienna, Austra
3) a walk through Naschmarkt, the famous food market in Vienna, Austria
4) women cooking in the Thanjavur temple in Tamil Nadu, India

B.E.N.D. (Brothers Explore Noisy Dreams)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded on 27 April 2023 with the Corona sculpture by the artist Emmerich Weissenberger, commissioned by Martin Essl.
Released: 28 Apr 2023

1) Unwrapping of the sculpture
2) Karlheinz and Martin improvising on the sculpture with different mallets
3) Rubbing and rolling walnuts found in the workspace
4) Playing with my hands on a vase by Nora Ruzsics

A.D.A.M (All Dykes Are Moving)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in Amsterdam between 10 and 12 May 2023.
Released: 13 May 2023

1) Vondelpark in the evening
2) Platform of the M5 metro at the Central Station
3) Visitors of the Vermeer exhibition in the Rijksmuseum
4) Art lovers at the Stedelijk Museum

P.I.L.S. (Poetic Impressions of Liquid Solutions)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in Plzeň (Pilsen, CZ) between 20 and 21 May 2023.
Released: 23 May 2023

1) Bells ringing at 6 pm from St Bartholomew's Cathedral
2) Poesiomat - a poetry jukebox
3) a walk along the Mže river next to the Pilsner Urqell brewery
4) a street café in the pedestrian zone of the historic town centre

E.G.E.R. (Ephemeral Ghosts Extinguish the River)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded on the North Bohemian river Ohře/Eger between 16 and 18 May 2023.
Released: 28 May 2023

1) the river at Loket
2) railway station in Perštein
3) a thermal spring in Karlovy Vary
4) the St. Nicholas fountain in the historical centre of Cheb/Eger

F.E.L.D. (Follow Every Liquid Drain) - BINAURAL
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in Feldkirch (Vorarlberg, Austria) between July 19 and 20, 2023.
Released: 20 Jul 2023

1) the river Ill from a bridge
2) waiting for the train, listening to an old lady telling the story of her persecution
3) a walk through the art/sound installation Spuren (by Tanja Prušnik and Karlheinz Essl) inside the Johanniterkirche
4) morning scene at a Buddhist monastery with a monk walking around a stupa

H.O.M.E. (Hills Open My Eyes) - BINAURAL
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded at my home near Vienna, Austria from 2018 to 2023.
Released: 30 Jul 2023

1) cooking in the kitchen
2) evening in the garden
3) thunderstorm at night
4) wind in the morning

B.A.T.H. (Beat All The Heat) - BINAURAL
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded at different bathing places in Lower Austria and the Czech Republic between 2019 and 2023 during periods of great heat.
Released: 16 Aug 2023

1) a nudist beach at the old Danube near Greifenstein
2) the beach of Gmünd, a former gravel pit
3) The lake of Suchdol nad Lužnicí with playing children
4) Františkovy Lázně thermal spa

C.E.R.N. (Create Electromagnetic Radiation Now)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded at different locations at CERN, the European Center for Nuclear Research, between August 16 and 18, 2023.
Released: 18 Aug 2023

1) the CERN Control Centre (CCC), where all accelerators and detectors are monitored
2) visitors at the - now historic - SynchroCyclotron (SC)
3) a walk through the CERN Campus and some office buildings at night
4) the sound of ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment)

G.E.N.F. (Generally Exclude New Friends)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded at different locations in Geneva between August 17 and 19, 2023.
Released: 20 Aug 2023

1) pedestrian passage under the bridge where the lake becomes the Rhône river
2) terrace in the historic center with a great view of the city
3) breakfast in front of the Hôtel de la Cigogne
4) a motor vehicle cleaning the streets

T.R.A.M. (Trains Reduce Autonomous Mobility)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded at different tram stations or tram rides in cities around the world.
Released: 21 Aug 2023

1) riding a tram through Kyoto (Japan)
2) a tram stop at the main square in Linz (Austria)
3) a ride on tram 18 from Genève-Cornavin to CERN (Switzerland)
4) an intersection in Oslo where many trams pass by (Norway)

B.O.O.K. (Bequeath Only Old Knowledge)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in libraries and bookstores in 2018 and 2023:
Released: 14 Sep 2023

1) reading hall of the Austrian National Library in Vienna
2) a bookstore in Berlin, Moritzplatz
3) turning the pages of giant folios in the Klosterneuburg Abbey Library
4) setting up chairs for a reading in the same place

P.I.R.A. (Proud Istrians Request Attention)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in Piran (Slovenia) in 2021 and 2023:
Released: 2 Oct 2023

1) stroll through the alleys of the old town
2) lively atmosphere of Piazza Tartini, where people meet in the afternoon
3) North coast with sea surf
4) beach scene with mother and child

F.A.L.L. (Focus on Allusive Local Landscapes)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in Graz, Austria on October 7, 2023 during the Steirischer Herbst festival:
Released: 15 Oct 2023

1) carillon of the Glockenspielplatz
2) visitors of the Landhaus
3) main square in the evening with lots of trams
4) a tram ride with line #6

M.O.N.T. (Madeirans Obviously Need Thrills)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in Monte (Madeira) on February 20th, 2024::
Released: 12 Mar 2024

1) Kids playing Futebol
2) Monte Toboggan sleigh ride
3) Japanese pond in the Monte Palace Tropical Garden
4) Gardener at work in the park

S.A.X.O. (Silence Any Xenophobic Operation)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in Dresden (Germany) in April 2024:
Released: 24 Apr 2024

1) People inside the Frauenkirche
2) Café Algarotti of the famous Gemäldegalerie
3) The main station of Dresden
4) At the Albertinum art museum where refugees meet and kids play table tennis

N.O.N.O. (Never Obstruct Nearby Obstacles)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded at University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw) on 24 May 2024 before and during a concert of Luigi Nono's last compositions:
Released: 25 May 2024

1) setup in the library of the mdw
2) sound check
3) excerpts from Lontananza for violin and tape feat. Youngseo Kim and Karlheinz Essl
4) excerpts from Hay que caminar soñando for two violins feat. Youngseo Kim and Reina Yoshioka

F.E.S.T. (Full Empty Space Theatre)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded at the Volkskundemuseum Vienna (the former Schönborn Palace) on June 4, 2024 during the Vienna Festival project Haus der Republik:
Released: 5 Jun 2024

1) in the garden
2) Cider bar in the courtyard
3) Walking through the exhibition
4) People walking up the main staircase

G.A.R.S. (Getting Attention Requires Silence)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in Gars/Kamp between July 5th and 6th, 2024:
Released: 7 Jul 2024

1) the audience at the opening of the Temple of Sound in Gars, the first museum for electroacoustic music
2) Karlheinz Essl's Gesualdo-Fragmente, performed there
3) forest next to a country road
4) the river Kamp flowing through the city of Gars

T.O.U.R. (Travel On Uncertain Roads) - BINAURAL
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded at various locations of Salzburg in July 2024:
Released: 4 Aug 2024

1) Mirabell Garden with church bells ringing at noon
2) On the shore of the lake St. Wolfgang
3) In the pedestrian zone of the city center of Salzburg
4) The main train station of Salzburg

G.U.R.X. (Gerhard's Unique Resonating Xylophone)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in Krems, Horn and Gars/Kamp between August 31st and September 1st, 2024. Dedicated to my friend Gerhard Eckel.
Released: 2 Sep 2024

1) At the Taffa creek near Horn
2) Gerhard Eckel and Jack Hauser performing under a resonant bridge
3) A train ride along the river Kamp
4) Sound from MONOCOLOR's audio-visual installation SCREEN—SPACE at the NÖ Landesgalerie Krems

M.A.N.T. (Most Answers Never Translate)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in Mantua, Italy between September 10-14, 2024.
Released: 23 Sep 2024

1) A walk through the historical center of Mantua
2) A gelataria with the best ice cream in town
3) Inside the Basilica di Sant'Andrea of Mantua
4) A rehearsal of the ensemble NOVA ARS CANTANDI in the Basilica Palatina di Santa Barbara, singing Dona Nobis Pacem from an unknown mass by Antonio Nola (1642-1715).

V.A.N.N. (Viewing A Nasty Neigbourhood)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in Vannes, Frances between October 26-27, 2024.
Released: 17 Nov 2024

1) A passageway in the pedestrian area of the historic centre
2) A street café near the cathedral with bells ringing
3) The audience of an open-air concert at Galerie les Bigotes
4) Sunday morning breakfast at a food market

R.O.M.A. (Remnants Of Mysterious Activities)
Generative soundscape based on a two-dimensional random walk between four binaural soundscapes recorded in Rome, Italy between November 29-30, 2024.
Released: 14 Dec 2024

1) A street demonstration during the general strike
2) At the bar of a popular café near S. Maria Maggiore
3) In the archives of the Isabella Scelsi Foundation
4) A nun decorating the altar of the Basilica Quattro Coronati


Karlheinz Essl über die Entstehung der Soundscape S.O.U.L.
Studio kHz, 26 Oct 2020

Binaural sound recording for L.U.N.Z.
© 2018 Simon Essl


Home Works Sounds Bibliography Concerts

Updated: 14 Dec 2024
