This CD is a special stereo version of Karlheinz Essl's generative sound installation (7x7)7 which is played by four loudspeakers at the Essl Collection in Klosterneuburg during the exhibition MESSENSEE - ZOOM.
In order to preserve the infinite character of this piece it is suggested to play this CD in "shuffle/repeat" mode which would re-arrange the numerous tracks of the CD and brings them into a always changing sequence. By this, one can listen to this ambient music for hours. The bass clarinet samples of this CD have been played by Georg Riedl. CD label designed by Pablo Farassat. Price: € 15.00 |
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Released: 22 May 2006 Tracks: 49 (= 7x7) Duration: 74 minutes Price: € 15.00 (incl. 20% VAT) |
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Updated: 16 Dec 2016