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Introduction to the solo recital of Xenia Pestova
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, 13 Jan 2016
OMNIA IN OMNIBUS: Behind the Scenes
Karlheinz Essl im Gespräch mit Katharina Hötzenecker
SkyLounge, 22 Jan 2016
Portrait Concert Karlheinz Essl feat. Xenia PestovaAustrian Cultural Forum LondonMonday, 1 Februar 2016, 7pm
This concert sheds new light onto an instrument which we all know and love: the concert piano. The instrument's long history and all the wonderful music written for it will serve as a backdrop for this concert, where the piano will appear in a new guise. With the aid of computer technology and live electronics paired with extended playing techniques, the grand piano will display a fascinating variety of sounds. Next to the grand piano, its tiny sister - the toy piano - will also be heard this evening.
for extended piano and computer Xenia Pestova: grand piano Karlheinz Essl: live-electronics
Sequitur V (2008)
Lexikon-Sonate (1992-2010)
WebernSpielWerk (2005/2015)
Kalimba (2005)
Karlheinz Essl: Lectures / Masterclasses / PerformancesUniversity of Nottingham - Department of Music2-4 Februar 2016
Lecture/PerformanceDepartment of Music, Djanogly Recital HallThu, 2 Feb 2016, 4:30pm
Personal remarks on artistic practices based on chance and collaboration garnished with some live performances
Masterclasses for Composition StudentsDepartment of Music, Electronic StudioWed, 3 Feb 2016, 10am – 1pm and 3pm – 5pm
Masterclasses for Performance Practice StudentsDepartment of Music, Rehearsal HallThu, 4 Feb 2016, 10am – 1pm
Open RehearsalDepartment of Music, Rehearsal HallThu, 4 Feb 2016, 2pm – 3:30pm The Dark Side of the PianoLecture/Recital with Xenia Pestova and Karlheinz EsslDepartment of Music, Rehearsal Hall Thu, 4 Feb 2016, 3:30pm
for extended piano and computer Xenia Pestova: grand piano Karlheinz Essl: live-electronics
Sequitur V (2008)
Lexikon-Sonate (1992-2010)
WebernSpielWerk (2005/2015)
Kalimba (2005)
Isabel Ettenauer plays Toy Piano Music by Karlheinz EsslGenève (CH)Archipel - Musiques d'aujourd'hui
![]() © 2013 Julia Wesely
Alhambra, bar étage
Kalimba (2005)
Sequitur XIV (2009)
WebernSpielWerk (2005)
whatever shall be (2010)
Sequitur V (2008)
Pachinko (2013)
Premiere der Neufassung von Con una certa espressione parlante
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst (6 Apr 2016)
Entire performance at the Essl Museum on April 27th, 2016
Video: Simon Essl
Sequitur XIII performed by Katharina Bleier & Karlheinz Essl
Arnold Schönberg Center Vienna (9 Jun 2016)
Composer's Portrait Karlheinz EsslPORTO FRANKO GogolFEST 2016Ivano-Frankivsk (UA) 11-12 June 2016
![]() Karlheinz Essl performing on his realtime composition environment m@ze°2
The first issue of the International Festival "PORTO FRANKO GogolFEST" will transform the capital of Ukrainian culture. This event will be the result of joint efforts of the organizers of the festival of contemporary art "GogolFest" and Ivano-Frankivsk festival «PORTO FRANKO».
Electroacoustic ConcertKarlheinz Essl performing four quadrophonic pieces on his computer-based algorithmic realtime composition environment m@ze°2
Ivano-Frankivsk, Art Museum Prycarpattya (UA)
DonauEschen performed by Karlheinz Essl
Sound/Video/PerformanceAn immersive journey from the 14th to the 21st century with a live sound performance by Karheinz Essl accompanied by live visuals by Simon Essl.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Lumière Cinema (UA)
Music and LiteratureThe Austrian composer Karlheinz Essl and the Ukrainian writer Jurko Prokhasko speaking about the work of Andreas Okopenko and his ground-breaking hypertext novel Lexikon-Roman (1970).
Ivano-Frankivsk, Independence Place (UA)
Discussion with the audience after my talk with Jurko Prohaska |
Ausschnitte aus der Performance am 28.6.2016
Karlheinz Essl @ Brisbane (Australia)Short Term Visiting Research FellowshipQueensland Conservatorium / Griffith University July 11th - Aug 5th, 2016
A research fellowship grant of the Griffith University in Brisbane (AUS) brought Karlheinz Essl to Australia where he stayed for four weeks. He attended the NIME Conference 2016 and gave a keynote performance of his ground-breaking algorithmic realtime composition Lexikon-Sonate (1992-2016). In the following weeks, he composed Brisky Breath (2016) - a garland to Brisbane and its frenetic birds - which he premiered at the Queensland Conservatorium. In the same concert, he also presented el-emen' (2004/2016) for solo percussion and live-electronics where he worked with Caleb Colledge, a percussion student of Vanessa Tomlinson. Especially for the brand-new Arduino-based retro controller MAURO (Mauricio Iregui and Sebastian Jara), Essl created a new version of his realtime composition Amazing Maze (1993-2016) which was used for testing and improving this device. With Andrew Brown, Essl discussed various questions related to generative music for computer-controlled piano (like the Yamaha Disklavier) and tactile controllers for performning algorithmic compositions. In this context, he had a meeting with Stephen Emmerson who demonstrated some of his Disklavier compositions. Together with trombone player Ben Marks (Elision Ensemble, Melbourne) Essl verified that the extended playing techniques he invented for the tuba piece Si! can also be performed on a trombone.
![]() Karlheinz Essl at the Electronic Music Studio of the Queensland Conservatorium in Brisbane
el-emen' (2004-2016) for percussion and live-electronics
Brisky Breath (2016) - world premier interactive realtime composition for computer and kalimba
Realtime Composition with m@ze°2 Theory and practice of my software environment for improvisation and composition
Brisky Breath (2016) interactive realtime composition for computer and kalimba
Brisky Breath (2016) interactive realtime composition for computer and kalimba
The Chances of Chance Personal remarks on artistic practices based on chance and collaboration garnished with some live performances
My Music for Toy Pianos New Compositional Approaches to Toy Instruments
![]() Amazing Maze Interactive Realtime Composition
Blind Gig Free improvisations for percussion, prepared piano and electronics
Karlheinz Essl @ HelsinkiLectures, performances and workshops
Sibelius Academy
![]() Composition Workshop Karlheinz Essl analyzes and rehearses his compositions river_run for guzheng and live-electronics and RESONAVIT for electric violin, zither and vibration speaker
![]() Herbeck's Versprechen Lecture/performance about Art Brut, voice and realtime sound processing
river_run (2016) for guzheng and live-electronics
RESONAVIT (2014) for electric violin, zither and vibration speaker
Landscapes in Green and White (2016) free collective improvisation for guzheng, zither, kantele, violin, liru and live-electronics
Karlheinz Essl @ KievPortrait Concert and MasterclassNov 18th - 19th, 2016
Master Class Karlheinz Essl: Interactive Electronic Sound PerformancesKontrapunkt, KievFri, 18 Nov 2016, 7pm
Portrait Concert Karlheinz Essl: Music for Violin & ElectronicsPlivka Hall, KievSat, 19 Nov 2016, 7pm EM-VISIA 2016
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Updated: 31 Aug 2023