Karlheinz Essl

Portrait KHE

Calender 2012

Concerts / Performances / Lectures

Freiburg | Montreal | Toronto | Los Angeles | Hannover | Vienna | Donaueschingen | Karlsruhe | Linz | Frankfurt | LOISIARTE | Bangor | London | Zürich | Valencia | Hamburg | Wellington | Lodz | Zagreb | Leuven | Athens | Klagenfurt | Florence | Kansas City | Las Vegas | Cagliari | Mainz | Klangspuren | Florida | Helsinki | Krems | St. Pölten | The Hague | Philadelphia | Eindhoven | Austin | Utrecht | Amsterdam | York | Miami | Krakow | Würzburg | Boston | Luxembourg | Würzburg | Weimar | Madrid | next...

7x7 - fo(u)r saxophones (2006)
musical mobile for 4 saxophones

Sat, 7 Jan 2012, 19:30
Pongau, Schloss Goldegg (A)
Jeunesse Musicale

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback

Sat, 28 Jan 2012, 20:00
Lahr, Stiftsschaffneikeller (D)
Toy, Toy, Toy! Musik für Spielzeugklaviere

Klaus Simon: toy piano

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback

Mon, 30 Jan 2012
Freiburg, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung (D)
Toy, Toy, Toy! Musik für Spielzeugklaviere

Klaus Simon: toy piano

WebernSpielWerk (2005)
for toy piano solo

Mon, 30 Jan 2012
Freiburg, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung (D)
Toy, Toy, Toy! Musik für Spielzeugklaviere

Hans Fulbohm: toy piano

Karlheinz Essl in Montréal


Thu, 9 Feb 2012, 4:30-6:00 PM

McGill University
Strathcona Music Building
555 Sherbrooke St. W.
H3A 1E3 Montreal, Quebec

Schulich School of Music


Fri, 10 Feb 2012, 8 PM

Chapelle historique du Bon-Pasteur
100, rue Sherbrooke Est
H2X 1C3 Montréal, Québec

Contemporary Keyboard Society

Sequitur V (2008)
for toy piano and live-electronics

Xenia Pestova: toy piano
Karlheinz Essl: live-electronics

Gold.Berg.Werk (2003-2012)
Interpretation of Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations
Version for harpsichord and live-electronics

Katelyn Clark: harpsichord
Karlheinz Essl: live-electronics

Introduction to Gold.Berg.Werk

Le samedi après-midi d'un phon

édition spéciale de Vienne
free improv gig

Sat, 11 Feb 2012, 4pm

4374 boulevard St-Laurent (ring at Nyata Nyata)
Montréal, Québec

Karlheinz Essl: m@ze°2
Vergil Sharkya': synthesizers, electronics

Karlheinz Essl in Toronto & Waterloo

Composer's Forum

Mon, 13 Feb 2012, 7:30 PM

Hosted by Adam Sherkin
1001 Bloor Street West, Rear Toronto, Ontario

Austrian composer and performance artist Karlheinz Essl from Vienna will be giving a presentation at Adam Sherkin's composer's forum. He will speak about his ideas on realtime composition and demonstrate his developments in generative and algorithmic music. Members of the JunctQín keyboard collective will be playing pieces form his Sequitur cycle, whereas the composer himself performs Lexikon-Sonate for computer-controlled piano.

Sequitur XIV (2009)
for kalimba and live-electronics
Stephanie Chua: kalimba & live-electronics

Sequitur V (2008)
for toy piano and live-electronics
Elaine Lau: toy piano
Stephanie Chua: live-electronics

Lexikon-Sonate (1992 ff.)
realtime composition for computer-controlled piano
Karlheinz Essl: computer performance


Wed, 15 Feb 2012, 7:00 - 9:00 PM

Wilfrid Laurier University, Faculty of Music
John Aird Building, Room 221
75 University Avenue West
N2L 3C5 Waterloo, Ontario

Karlheinz Essl will speak about his compositions for keyboards and electronics, giving insights into his compositional ideas, his algorithmic concepts and the performance aspects of his music. This class will take place within a composition seminar, taught by Linda Catlin Smith; students of piano faculty Elaine Lau will also perform pieces by Karlheinz Essl. Open to all interested composers and musicians.

more or less (1999-2007)
realtime composition for computer-controlled soloists
Oliver McCallum, Merissa Michell: piano
Sarah Buisman: toy piano

Sequitur V (2008)
for toy piano and live-electronics
Lisa Szczepanski: toy piano
Karlheinz Essl: live-electronics

Sequitur XIII (2009)
for extended piano and live-electronics
Joseph Ferretti: piano
Elaine Lau: live-electronics

Lexikon-Sonate (1992 ff.)
realtime composition for computer-controlled piano
Karlheinz Essl: computer performance

Portrait Concert

Fri, 17 Feb 2012, 8 PM

The Music Gallery
197 John Street
M5T 1X6 Toronto, Ontario

junctQín keyboard collective performs a portrait concert of Viennese composer Karlheinz Essl alongside the composer himself. This event is a culmination of a week-long residency by Essl, hosted by junctQín. Steeped in the language of serialism, Essl’s aesthetics address the lineage of the Second Viennese school, while bringing it into today’s society through his use of computer-generated soundscapes. The program will include two works for ensemble: Pandora’s Secret for music box and live electronics and the world première of juncTions for piano (2 players) and live electronics. The members of junctQín will also be featured individually; Sequiturs V, XIII and XIV are solos for toy piano, extended piano and kalimba with live electronics. Karlheinz Essl will be joining the ensemble in the performance of electronics.


Pandora's Secret (2008/2009)
Performance for punch-tape controlled music box and live-electronics
Elaine Lau, Joseph Ferretti, Steph Chua: music box performance & live-electronics

Sequitur XIII (2009)
for extended piano and live-electronics
Joseph Ferretti: piano
Elaine Lau: live-electronics

Sequitur V (2008)
for toy piano and live-electronics
Elaine Lau: toy piano
Stephanie Chua: live-electronics

Sequitur XIV (2009)
for kalimba and live-electronics
Stephanie Chua: kalimba & live-electronics

juncTions (2011/2012) - premiere
for piano (2 players) and live-electronics

Elaine Lau, Joseph Ferretti: piano
Steph Chua: live-electronics


Karlheinz Essl’s music has been the feature of many festival portrait concerts including the Salzburg Festival, Wien Modern (Vienna), Ars Musica (Brussels), and Festival de Música Electroacústica Querétaro (Mexico). He has served four years as composer-in-residence at the Darmstadt Summer Courses (1990 – 1994) and completed a commission for IRCAM Paris (1993). Essl has collaborated with some of the most important contemporary ensembles of our time, including the Arditti Quartet (London), Ensemble Intercontemporain (Paris), and Ensemble Modern (Frankfurt). Since 2007, Karlheinz Essl has been Professor of Electroacoustic Composition and Experimental Music at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, Austria.

junctQín is a collective of pianists, Joseph Ferretti, Stephanie Chua and Elaine Lau. Founded in 2009, the ensemble’s mandate is to perform works of the 20th and 21st centuries, commissioning and collaborating with composers and artists of all genres. Recent collaborations include Canadian composers Alex Eddington, Aaron Gervais and the Toy Piano composers, along with Canadian multi-media artists Kenneth Doren and Derek Liddington. Performance highlights include recitals and projects presented by the Canadian Opera Company’s Four Seasons Centre, Scotiabank Nuit Blanche, and Barrie’s Colours of Music Festival. junctQín has also engaged in many outreach events and activities, including the spOtlight Festival of Ontario, Culture Days in Toronto, and school workshops.

junctQín’s individual members are all active individually in activities ranging from solo recitals, to performances as concerto soloists, to performances with ensembles such as the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony, Contact Contemporary Music, the Talisker Chamber Players, and in such festivals as the Music Gallery’s X-Avant, the Open Ears Festival (Kitchener-Waterloo), NUMUS (KW), the CMC’s New Music in New Places and many others.

Fontana-Mixer (2004-2012)
generative sound environment after "Fontana Mix" (1958) by John Cage

Thu, 16 Feb 2012
Los Angeles, California (USA)
REDCAT - Roy and Edna Disney/CalArts Theater
John Cage Centenary Festival

Sequitur IX (2008)
for mezzo soprano and live-electronics

Wed, 22 Feb 2012, 16:00
Hannover, Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien (D)
trigger me - solo recital Julia Mihály
Julia Mihály: mezzo soprano & live-electronics

Karlheinz Essl: Sequitur IX performed by Julia Mihály
Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover, 22 Feb 2012

7x7 - fo(u)r saxophones (2006)
musical mobile for 4 saxophones

Wed, 22 Feb 2012
Vienna, University for Music and Performing Arts (A)
Prima La Musica
The Wagramonics (Ltg. Markus Holzer)

Sequitur IX (2008)
for mezzo soprano and live-electronics

Thu, 23 Feb 2012, 18:30 - 20:30
Vienna, University of Music and Performing Arts (A)
Workshop expanded voices
Symposion of the European Voice Teachers Association
Margarete Jungen: mezzo soprano
Karlheinz Essl: live-electronics

Margarete Jungen & Karlheinz Essl performing Sequitur IX
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Library
Vienna, 20 Oct 2009

Sequitur V (2008)
for toy piano and live-electronics

Fri, 2 Mar 2012
Clínica Mundana, Valencia (E)

Víctor Trescolí Sanz: toy piano & live-electronics

whatever shall be (2010)
for toy piano, dreidel, chop sticks, music box and live-electronics

Fri, 2 Mar 2012
Clínica Mundana, Valencia (E)

Víctor Trescolí Sanz: toy piano & live-electronics

7x7 - fo(u)r saxophones (2006)
musical mobile for 4 saxophones

Tue, 6 Mar 2012, 19:00
Vienna, Wien Museum Karlsplatz (A)
Jeunesse Musicale

Sequitur X (2010)
for trombone and live-electronics

Wed, 7 Mar 2012, 8pm
Valencia, California (USA)
California Institute of the Arts, Roy O. Disney Music Hall
Kevin Austin: trombone
Drew Jordan: live-electronics

Brass Dialogs

Thu, 8 Mar 2012, 20:00
Donaueschingen, Donauhallen - Strawinsky Saal (D)
die neue reihe

Zwei Exzentriker der Blechblaskunst prägen das ars nova Konzert von SWR2 innerhalb der "neuen reihe": Marco Blaauw, der niederländische Wundertrompeter mit seiner Doppeltrichtertrompete und seinem Vierteltonflügelhorn und Klaus Burger mit seiner kaleidoskopartigen Instrumentenkombination bestehend aus Tuba, Didgeridoo, Cimbasso und Live-Elektronik, die durch den österreichischen Komponisten Karlheinz Essl nachdrücklich ins Geschehen eingebracht wird. Freuen Sie sich auf ein Konzert, bei dem sowohl höchste spieltechnische als auch musikalische Virtuosität im Zentrum stehen, unterhaltsam und anregend zugleich. Ob nun die sonorsten Klänge, die schmutzigsten Geräusche, die schnellsten oder langsamsten Tempi, die höchsten oder tiefsten Lagen - alles ist möglich, alles geschieht aber nur im Interesse der Musik, die wiederum sich nur dann von ihrer virtuosen Seite zeigt, wenn es im Sinne ihres Ausdrucks, und nicht nur leerer, hohler Schein ist.

Dialogues between brass and electronics

Klaus Burger: tuba, cimbasso, didgeridoo, bottle, flute
Karlheinz Essl: m@ze°2

Sequitur X (2010)
for trombone and live-electronics

Sat, 10 Mar 2012, 20:00
Karlsruhe, ZKM (D)
Internationale Ensemble Modern Academie Frankfurt
Quantensprünge XIV
Jonathan Wettermark: trombone
Robin Bös: live-electronics

Sequitur XIII (2009)
for extended piano and live-electronics

Wed, 15 Feb 2011
Linz, Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität (A)
Claudia Birkholz: piano
Andreas Weixler: live-electronics

Sequitur X (2010)
for trombone and live-electronics

Sat, 17 Mar 2012, 19.30
Frankfurt am Main, Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst (D)
Internationale Ensemble Modern Academie Frankfurt
Jonathan Wettermark: trombone
Robin Bös: live-electronics

Sequitur V (2008)
for toy piano and live-electronics

Sun, 18 Mar 2012
London, Guildhall School of Music & Drama (UK)
3rd Reflective Conservatoire Conference
Maria Kallionpää: toy piano & live-electronics

Karlheinz Essl @ LOISIARTE

22.-25. März 2012

Langenlois (A)

Karlheinz Essl © 2008 Mischa Nawrata

Dionysisches und Apollinisches vereinen sich zur Zeit der aufkommenden Frühlingsgefühle, wenn in der modernen Architektur des Loisium mitten in den Weinstöcken die Gaumenfreuden des dort angebauten Weines mit kulturellen Genüssen angereichert werden. An vier Tagen werden Alte Musik aus allen vier Himmelsrichtungen mit literarischen Lesungen und zeitgenössischer Musik zu einem schmackhaften Cuvée verschnitten. Der künstlerische Kellermeister hat als Composer in Residence Karlheinz Essl gewählt, der dem Festival zwischen 22. und 25. März die aktuelle Note verleihen wird.

An den ersten drei Abenden wird eine Auswahl an Werken für Streichinstrumente aus Essls Schaffen aus den 1990er Jahren präsentiert. Darin konzentriert sich der Komponist auf die vielfältigen Spielweisen und Klangmöglichkeiten der Familie der Saiteninstrumente – vom Solostück über ein Duo bis hin zu einem Trio kehrt er durch vielfältige Techniken das Spezifische der einzelnen Instrumente hervor und lässt sie in der Kombinationen hoher und tieferer Vertreter in Dialog treten. So übernehmen Instrumente etwa nach und nach die Spielweisen des Gegenübers oder wechseln sich in unterschiedlichen Konstellationen ab. Doch nicht immer verläuft die Kontaktaufnahme konfliktfrei, sie kann zu spannungsgeladenen Verläufen führen und manchmal auch von musikalischem Geschehen gestört werden.

Doch ein Porträt Karlheinz Essls wäre nicht vollständig, würde er nicht auch als Improvisator selbst in Erscheinung treten, ist das Schaffen aus dem Moment heraus doch ein wesentlicher Teil seines künstlerischen Wesens, als welches er sich alleine oder gemeinsam mit Kollegen auf die Inspiration aus der Spontanität heraus verlässt. Einen erprobten Widerpart findet er in der Stimmkünstlerin Agnes Heginger, mit der er nicht zum ersten Mal auf der Bühne steht und mit der er unter dem Titel „Out of the Blue“ Gedichte spontan vertonen wird.

Auf eine interessante Auseinandersetzung darf man sich auch zwischen den zeitgenössischen und den älteren gespielten Werken gefasst machen, denn wenn Essl auf Monteverdi, Smetana oder Webern trifft, wird man auch die zuvor als bekannt geglaubten Werke in einem anderen Licht erblicken – literatrische und kulinarische Neudeutungen inklusive.

Doris Weberberger / MUSIC AUSTRIA 16.03.2012

Karlheinz Essl im Gespräch mit dem Intendanten der LOISIARTE Christian Altenburger
LOISIUM, 23 Mar 2012

Karlheinz Essl im Gespräch mit dem Musikkritiker der PRESSE Wilhelm Sinkovics
LOISIUM, 24 Mar 2012


absence (1996)
for violin solo

Thu, 22 Mar 2012, 19:00
Langenlois, Loisium (A)
Christian Altenburger: violin

rapprochement (1992)
for violin and cello

Fri, 23 Mar 2012, 19:00
Langenlois, Loisium (A)
Christian Altenburger: violin
Reinhard Latzko: cello

á trois - seul (1998)
for violin, viola and cello

Sat, 24 Mar 2012, 19:00
Langenlois, Loisium (A)
Christian Altenburger: violin
Christoph Schiller: viola
Reinhard Latzko: cello

free improvisations for voice and live-electronics on lyrics

Sun, 25 Mar 2012, 11:00
Langenlois, Loisium (A)
Agnes Heginger: voice
Karlheinz Essl: live-electronics

OUT OF THE BLUE: Agnes Heginger (Stimme) und Karlheinz Essl (Elektronik)
Live in der Basilika des LOISIUMS am 25.03.2012

Sequitur VII (2008)
for alto saxophone and live-electronics

Thu, 29 Mar 2012
Zürich, Mehrspurclub (CH)
Generator #28
Anna Rösler: alto saxophone
Thomas Peter: live-electronics

Sequitur X (2010)
for trombone and live-electronics

Wed, 4 Apr 2012, 5pm
Los Angeles, Thayer Hall (USA)
Senior Recital Evan Spacht
Evan Spacht: trombone
Matt Barbier: live-electronics

INTER/actions: Symposium on Interactive Electronic Music

April 10-12, 2012

Bangor University School of Music
Bangor (UK)

Karlheinz Essl © 2008 Mischa Nawrata

Karlheinz Essl: keynote presenter and composer-in-residence

INTER/actions will be a three-day symposium and mini-festival focusing on performance and interaction in electronic music. We aim to provide an environment to exchange ideas and instigate collaborations for composers, performers, sound artists and music technologists interested in the role of the performer in electronic music, whether in the traditional sense, or audience-as-performer.

Keynote and Compositions by Karlheinz Essl

Towards a rich "musica povera"
Keynote Karlheinz Essl

10 Apr 2012, 2 pm
Bangor University, School of Music - Powis Hall

> Keynote delivered by Karlheinz Essl at the INTER/actions Symposion
Bangor/Wales, 10 Apr 2012

Sequitur XII (2009)
for harpsichord and live-electronics

11 Apr 2012, 8 pm
Bangor University, School of Music - Powis Hall
Goska Isphording: harpsichord
Karlheinz Essl: live-electronics

Introduction to Sequitur XII
Bangor/Wales, 11 Apr 2012

Sequitur I (2008)
for flute and live-electronics

12 Apr 2012, 10 am
Bangor University, School of Music
Workshop with Karlheinz Essl on Interactive Compositions with Live-Electronics
Faye Snowdon: flute
Karlheinz Essl: live-electronics

Sequitur II (2008)
for clarinet and live-electronics

12 Apr 2012, 10 am
Bangor University, School of Music
Workshop with Karlheinz Essl on Interactive Compositions with Live-Electronics
Sioned Eleri Roberts: clarinet
Karlheinz Essl: live-electronics

Sequitur V (2008)
for toy piano and live-electronics

12 Apr 2012, 10 am
Bangor University, School of Music
Workshop with Karlheinz Essl on Interactive Compositions with Live-Electronics
Xenia Pestova: toy piano
Karlheinz Essl: live-electronics

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback

Fri, 13 Apr 2012
Traismauer (A)
Fine Art Galerie Traismauer
Opening of an exhibition by Walter Weer
Isabel Ettenauer: toy piano

Sequitur XIV (2009)
for kalimba and live-electronics

Fri, 13 Apr 2012
Traismauer (A)
Fine Art Galerie Traismauer
Opening of an exhibition by Walter Weer
Isabel Ettenauer: kalimba, live-electronics

Sequitur X (2009)
for trombone and live-electronics

20 Apr 2012
Morehead, Kentucky (USA)
Morehead State University
Solo Recital James Miller
James Miller: trombone & live-electronics

Karlheinz Essl: Music for (Toy) Piano and Electronics

27-28 Apr 2012

Universitat Politécnica de Valencia

Víctor Trescolí, Spanish pianist from Valencia, is giving a solo recital with compositions by the Austrian composer Karlheinz Essl which are focussing on his works for toy piano and electronics. The next day, Mr. Essl is giving a masterclass about the music that has been played the evening before, providing insights into his compositional concepts and the algorithms that he has developed for the electronics.

Karlheinz Essl © 2008 Mischa Nawrata

27 Apr 2012, 20:00

Universitat Politècnica de València

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback
Víctor Trescolí: toy piano

Sequitur V (2008)
for toy piano and live-electronics
Víctor Trescolí: toy piano & live-electronics

Sequitur XIII (2009)
for extended piano and live-electronics
Víctor Trescolí: piano
Karlheinz Essl: live-electronics

WebernSpielWerk (2005)
for amplified toy piano and ringmodulator
Víctor Trescolí: toy piano

whatever shall be (2010)
for toy piano, dreidel, music box with live-electronics and surround sound
Víctor Trescolí: toy piano & live-electronics

Masterclass: Music for Keyboards and Generative Live-Electronics
28 Apr 2012, 11:00-12:30

Universitat Politècnica de València
Telecommunication Engineering School
Classroom 2.3


Karlheinz Essl was born 1960 in Vienna. At the University of Music in Vienna he studied composition with Friedrich Cerha, electro-acoustic music and double bass. At the University of Vienna he wrote his musicological doctoral thesis on the late compositions of Anton Webern.

His work with computers (with emphasis on Algorithmic Composition) and a prolonged occupation with the poetics of serial music have been a formative influence on his compositional thinking. Besides writing instrumental music, Karlheinz Essl also works in the field of electronic music, interactive realtime compositions and sound installations. Since the early 1990's he has developed software environments for interactive algorithmic composition in real time which he uses for his own live performances and also in collaboration with artists from other fields (choreographers, dancers, visual artists and poets).

1990-94 „composer in residence” at the Darmstädter Ferienkurse für Neue Musik. 1992-93 work on a commission at IRCAM (Paris). 1997 Essl was featured at the Salzburg Festival with portrait concerts and sound installation. Between 1995-2006 Essl was teaching „Algorithmic Composition” at the Studio for Advanced Music & Media Technology of the Anton Bruckner University in Linz. Since 2007 he is professor of composition for electro-acoustic and experimental music at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna.

Víctor Trescolí Sanz is a pianist with a special interest in presenting contemporary works alongside traditional repertoire. After his studies in Spain he moved to the Netherlands to follow his carrer doing a Master in music by Conservatorium van Amsterdam (CVA) and Master by Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). Among his teachers are Brenno Ambrosini, David Kuyken, Hakon Austbo and Ralph van Raat. At same time he studies harpshichord with Johan Hoffman and pianoforte with Baart van Oort. Awarded by Jaques Vonk Foundation (the Netherlands) and by IVM (Instituto Valenciano de la Música) and Spanish government to follow his studies, first price in Chamber music competition (Academia Valenciana de la Música) with Art! Trio.

In addition to solo recitals, Víctor enjoyed collaboration with Avlitria Ensemble, CVA- New muziek ensemble (Harry Sparnaay), Alart quartet, Sorolla ensemble, he has a duo with cellist Josep Trescolí Sanz and is founding member of Art! Trio which focuses on the repertoire for violin, cello and piano. and of ensemble Grup Mixtour as well. Victor research presents a variety of studies, which are about “Dies Irae in Rachmaninov”, an interpretation studie of Mompou’s Música Callada (“SILENT MUSIC: Federico Mompou’s Música Callada”. CVA Research Symposium 2010, Holanda), “Toy piano, juguete e intrumento” (research about history, interpretation and repertoire for Toy piano), today he is joining an UPV doctorate programm in contemporary music.

Sequitur XIV (2008) for kalimba and live-electronics
Mon, 14 May 2012, 7pm
Toronto, Public Library - Beeton Auditory (CAN)
Stephanie Chua: kalimba & live-electronics

WebernSpielWerk (2005)
for toy piano solo

Wed, 16 May 2012
Hamburg, GEDOK-Kunstforum (D)
Festival blurred edges: ...einmal quer durch Europa

Daria-Karmina Iossifova: toy piano

Sequitur XIV (2008) for kalimba and live-electronics
Fri, 18 May 2012, 20:00
Isabel Ettenauer: kalimba & live-electronics

Sequitur II (2008)
for clarinet and live-electronics

Sat, 19 May 2012, 6:30 and 8:30 pm
Page Blackie Gallery, Wellington (NZ)
BODY/DRIFT - stroma ensemble
Richard Haynes: clarinet
Michael Norris: live-electronics

Sequitur II (2008)
for clarinet and live-electronics

Sun, 20 May 2012, 4:00 and 6:00 pm
Page Blackie Gallery, Wellington (NZ)
BODY/DRIFT - stroma ensemble
Richard Haynes: clarinet
Michael Norris: live-electronics

Fontana-Mixer (2004-2012)
generative sound environment after "Fontana Mix" (1958) by John Cage

3 Jun 2012
Lodz, Galeria Manhattan (PL)
Installation Tanja Brüggemann-Stepien

Sequitur II (2008)
for clarinet and live-electronics

Wed, 6 Jun 2012
Zagreb, University of Zagreb (CR)
Muzički salon SC / Kultura promjene Studentskog centra
Krista Martynes: clarinet & live-electronics

Solo recital Krista Martynes
University of Zagreb, 6 Jun 2012

Rudiments (1989/90)
for 4 spatially distributed snare drums

Wed, 13 Jun 2012, 19:30
Krieglach, Veranstaltungszentrum - Großer Saal (A)
Festival brücken12
drummercircle muerz, Dir. Thomas Brunner

Sequitur XI (2009)
for vibraphone, cymbals and live-electronics

Thu, 14 Jun 2012
Leuven, Lemmensinstituut (B)
Vicent Caers: percussion & live-electronics
N.N.: live electronics

Sequitur II (2008)
for clarinet and live-electronics

Fri, 15 Jun 2012, 21:00
Athens, Miaouli 18 / 105 54 Psirri (GR)
Electric Licorice
Krista Martynes: clarinet & live-electronics

Lexikon-Sonate (1992 ff.)
installation for computer-controlled piano

Fri, 15 Jun 2012
Vienna, SEITE ZWEI - Bureau für Design (A)
Die Pianistengasse

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback

Fri, 15 Jun 2012, 18:00
Vienna, Verein08 (A)
Die Pianistengasse
Isabel Ettenauer: toy piano

Fontana-Mixer (2004-2007)
generative sound environment after "Fontana Mix" (1958) by John Cage

Thu, 21 Jun 2012
Universität Klagenfurt, Alte Kraftkammer (A)
Greetings to John Cage - Campus Musicke

Spontan-Vertonungen von Gedichten des Gugginger Künstlers August Walla

Sun, 24 Jun 2012, 19:00
Gugging, Art / Brut Center (A)
Ausstellung august walla.! weltallende
Agnes Heginger: Stimme
Karlheinz Essl: Live-Elektronik

OUT OF THE BLUE: Spontanvertonung von August Wallas Südwind-Gedichtlein
Museum Gugging, 24 Juni 2012

Fontana-Mixer (2004-2012)
generative sound environment after "Fontana Mix" (1958) by John Cage

26 Jun 2012
Krakow, Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Solvay (PL)
Rok Cage'a
Curated by Marek Chołoniewski

WebernSpielWerk (2005)
for toy piano solo

Fri, 29 Jun 2012
Hamburg, Klavier Knauer (D)

Daria-Karmina Iossifova: toy piano

Sequitur III (2008)
for violin and live-electronics

Sat, 21 Jul 2012, 6:30pm
Castlepollard, Co.Westmeath (IE)
Hilltown New Music Festival
Barbars Lüneburg: violin & live-electronics

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback

Thu, 26 Jul 2012, 9:30pm
Florence (I)
Off Bar - Lago Dei Cigni
Federico Constanza: toy piano

Sequitur I (2008)
for flute and live-electronics

Sat, 28 Jul 2012, 8pm
Montreal, Espace Circle Carré (CAN)
Solomiya Moroz: flute & live-electronics

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback

Sat, 28 Jul 2012, 9:30pm
Kansas City, Missouri (USA)
La Esquina
KC Fringe Experimental Music Showcase
Kari Johnson toy piano

Sequitur I (2008)
for flute and live-electronics

Thu, 9 Aug 2012, 11am
Las Vegas, Caesars Palace (USA)
National Flute Association Convention
Patricia Surman: flute
Reiner Krämer: live-electronics

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback

Fri, 17 Aug 2012
Semmering (A)
22. Internationale Sommerakademie Prag Wien Budapest
Toy Piano and I-Ging - Cage and the European Avantgarde. Lecture/recital by Isabel Ettenauer
Isabel Ettenauer toy piano

WebernSpielWerk (2005)
for toy piano solo

Fri, 31 Aug 2012, 21:00
Cagliari (I)
Imaginary Landscapes - omaggio a John Cage

Silvia Corda: toy piano

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback

Fri, 31 Aug 2012, 21:00
Cagliari (I)
Imaginary Landscapes - omaggio a John Cage

Silvia Corda: toy piano

Fontana-Mixer (2004-2012)
generative sound environment after "Fontana Mix" (1958) by John Cage

Wed, 5 Sep 2012
Klosterneuburg, Essl Museum (A)
Greetings to John Cage

The Chances of Chance
Keynote for the International Conference on Artistic Practices
Thu, 6 Sep 2012, 11:20 - 12:30
University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna (A)
7th Conference of the European Research Network Sociology of the Arts: Artistic Practices

WebernSpielWerk (2005)
for toy piano solo

Sat, 8 Sep 2012, 19:00
Hamburg, GEDOK-Kunstforum Koppel 66 (D)
Toy+Piano - Musik für Klavier und Kinderklavier

Daria-Karmina Iossifova: toy piano

Fontana-Mixer (2004-2012)
generative sound environment after "Fontana Mix" (1958) by John Cage

Sat, 15 Sep 2012
Mainz, Staatstheater Mainz, Orchestersaal (D)
Music is Everywhere - John Cage zum 100. Geburtstag
Ates Yilmaz

WebernSpielWerk (2005)
for toy piano solo

Thu, 20 Sep 2012, 7PM
London, The Ruby Stage at The Wenlock & Essex (UK)
Edge Music London - Modern music drenched in cool

Daria-Karmina Iossifova: toy piano

Si! (2012)
for tenor tuba, live-electronics and surround sound

Wed, 26 Sep 2012, 20:00 - premiere
STEUDLTENN, Kirchenweg 17, 6271 Uderns/Zillertal (A)
Festival Klangspuren 2012
Karlheinz Siessl: tuba
Karlheinz Essl: live-electronics

Video recording of the dress rehearsal of Si!
26 Sep 2012, Uderns/Tyrol

Fontana-Mixer (2004-2012)
generative sound environment after "Fontana Mix" (1958) by John Cage

Sat, 6 Oct 2012
Helsinki, Espan Lava (F)
Crank Rage: Rank Ensemble plays the works of John Cage
Rank Ensemble
For tonight’s concert, the Ensemble makes use of Karlheinz Essl’s ‘Fontana Mixer’, which generates the work in real-time from pre-selected soundfiles – a far cry from Cage’s original rendering of the piece, which took months to painstakingly prepare. The soundfiles used for the generation of Fontana Mix in this performance included a recorded improvisation by the Ensemble from December 2011, and a couple of stories read by John Cage from his recorded work Indeterminacy.

whatever shall be (2010)
for toy piano, dreidel, chop sticks, music box and live-electronics

Sat, 13 Oct 2012, 7:00 PM
Sarasota, FL - Ringling Museum of Art (USA)
Ringling International Art Festival
Phyllis Chen: toy piano, gadgets, live-electronics

Warum brauchen wir Neue Musik?
Statement / Podiumsdiskussion
Sat, 20 Oct 2012, 15:00
Donau-Universität Krems, AudiMax (A)
Tage der Neuen Musik in Niederösterreich

Spontan-Vertonungen von Gedichten für Stimme und Elektronik

Sun, 21 Oct 2012, 11:00
St. Pölten, Stadtmuseum (A)
Literaturtage Blätterwirbel
Agnes Heginger: Stimme
Karlheinz Essl: Live-Elektronik

OUT OF THE BLUE: Agnes Heginger (Stimme) und Karlheinz Essl (Elektronik)
Spontan-Vertonung des Gedichts Wenn du mich anrufst von Peter Turrini
Stadtmuseum St. Pölten, 21.10.2012

Sequitur XII (2009)
for harpsichord and live-electronics

Fri, 26 Oct 2012
Den Haag, Regentenkamer (NL)
POW Ensemble - Strings Attached
Goska Isphording: harpsichord
Luc Houtkamp: live-electronics
Chad Langford: live-electronics

WebernSpielWerk (2005)
for toy piano solo

Sat, 27 Oct 2012
Philadelphia, PA (USA)
Temple University: Boyer Hall
Mark Zelesky: toy piano

Sequitur XII (2009)
for harpsichord and live-electronics

Sun, 28 Oct 2012
Eindhoven, van Abbe Museum (NL)
POW Ensemble - Strings Attached
Goska Isphording: harpsichord
Luc Houtkamp: live-electronics
Chad Langford: live-electronics

Sequitur X (2010)
for trombone and live-electronics

Thu, 1 Nov 2012, 8pm
Austin, TX - Tiny Park Gallery (USA)
Church of the Friendly Ghost
Steven Parker: trombone & live-electronics

Sequitur XII (2009)
for harpsichord and live-electronics

Thu, 1 Nov 2012
Utrecht, Huis a/d Werf (NL)
Gaudeamus Muziekweek
POW Ensemble - Strings Attached
Goska Isphording: harpsichord
Luc Houtkamp: live-electronics
Chad Langford: live-electronics

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and fixed media

Sat, 3 Nov 2012, 20:00
Amsterdam, De Cabral School (NL)
De Grote Baarsjes Muziekdag
Pascal Meyer: toy piano

WebernSpielWerk (2005)
for toy piano solo

Mon, 5 Nov 2012, 8:00pm
Glassboro, NJ (USA)
Rowan University: Boyd Recital Hall
Mark Zelesky: toy piano

under wood (2012)
for two amplified toy pianos (one player) and ensemble [15']
Commissioned by the ensemble die reihe (Vienna)
Wed, 7 Nov 2012 - premiere
Radiokulturhaus Wien (A)
Ensemble die reihe, Dir. Alexander Drčar
Isabel Ettenauer: toy piano

World premier of under wood
Ensemble "die reihe", dir. Alexander Drčar
Isabel Ettenauer: toy pianos

Radiokulturhaus Wien, 7 Nov 2012

7x7 - fo(u)r clarinets (2006)
musical mobile for 4 clarinets

Tue, 13 Nov 2012, 19:00
7x7 fo(u)r clarinets
Klosterneuburg SCHÖMER-HAUS (A)
Buchpräsentation Agnes Essl: Wie ein gewebter Teppich. Ein Leben für die Kunst
Ensemble Moondog: Georg Riedl, Simon Essl, Walter Rossmanith, Dorothea Ivanka

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and CD playback

Thu, 15 Nov 2012, 3:30pm
University of York (UK)
John Cage Centenary Festival Getting Nowhere
Xenia Pestova: toy piano

Pandora's Secret (2009)
for music box and live-electronics

Fri, 16 Nov 2012, 19:30
St. Pölten, Festspielhaus (A)
Music circus drei.fach.salto
Isabel Ettenauer: music box & live-electronics

Sequitur VIII (2008)
for electric guitar and live-electronics

Fri, 16 Nov 2012, 8:00pm
Miami, Florida (USA)
Harold Golen Gallery
Guitars, Bass and Electronics
Federico Bonacossa: e-guitar & live-electronics

video installation by Guido Kucsko with an sound environment by Karlheinz Essl

Sat, 17 Nov 2012, 18:00 - opening/preview
Exhibition period: Nov 19-25, 17:00-22:00
Vienna, Galerie Ulysses (A)

Sequitur XII (2009)
for harpsichord and live-electronics

Sat, 18 Nov 2012
Krakow, Bunkier Sztuki (PL)
Audio Art Festival
POW Ensemble - Strings Attached
Goska Isphording: harpsichord
Luc Houtkamp: live-electronics
Chad Langford: live-electronics

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback

Mon, 19 Nov 2012, 18:00
St. Pölten, Festspielhaus
Festival Tastenmusik: Tastentour
Isabel Ettenauer toy piano

Sequitur IV (2008)
for cello and live-electronics

Mon, 26 Nov 2012, 7:30 PM
Miami, Florida (USA)
Florida International University, Wertheim Performing Arts Center
FUI New Music Ensemble
Ricardo Lopez: cello & live-electronics

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback

Mon, 26 Nov 2012, 8pm
Bowling Green, Ohio (USA)
Moore College of Musical Arts: Bryan Recital Hall

Jeff Manchur: toy piano

Sequitur IX (2008)
for mezzo soprano and live-electronics

Sat, 1 Dec 2012, 19:00
Würzburg, Gewölbekeller Neubaukirche (D)
Atelier Klangforschung
Julia Mihály: mezzo soprano & live-electronics

Sequitur X (2010)
for trombone and live-electronics

Sun, 2 Dec 2012, 6.00pm
Boston, MA (USA)
Boston University: College of Fine Arts, Marshall Room
Kevin Fairbairn: trombone
Heather Stebbins: live electronics

Karlheinz Essl @ Philharmonie Luxembourg

Sun, 2 Dec 201
Philharmonie Luxembourg (LUX)
Rainy Days: Toy Piano World Summit

Philharmonie Luxembourg is celebrating the 100th birthday of John Cage with a lot of concerts in many different performances spaces. Within this context, the first Toy Piano World Summit is taking place where toy pianists and composers from all over the world are coming together, performing and exchanging their works. For this festival, Karlheinz Essl was commissioned to compose a new piece for four toy pianos which will be premiered at the beginning of the festivals. Afterwards, Isabel Ettenauer is playing a short solo recital dedicated to Essl's compositions for toy pianos and electronics.

Karlheinz Essl photographed by Markus Roessle 2011

Karlheinz Essl at his Schoenhut Baby Grand Toy Piano
Photo © 2011 by Markus Roessle

Miles to go (2012) - premiere
for 4 prepared and amplified toy pianos

Isabel Ettenauer, Xenia Pestova, Pascal Meyer, Phyllis Chen: toy piano

Miles to go premiered by Isabel Ettenauer, Phyllis Chen, Pascal Meyer and Xenia Pestova
Philharmonie Luxembourg, 2 Dec 2012

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback

Isabel Ettenauer: toy piano

WebernSpielWerk (2005)
for toy piano and rindmodulator

Isabel Ettenauer: toy piano
Karlheinz Essl: ringmodulator

whatever shall be (2010)
for toy piano, gadgets and live-electronics

Isabel Ettenauer: toy piano, dreidel, music box, live-electronics

Spontan-Vertonungen von Gedichten Hermann Niklas' für Stimme und Elektronik

Wed, 5 Dec 2012, 20:00
Klosterneuburg, Essl Museum (A)
Agnes Heginger: Stimme
Karlheinz Essl: Live-Elektronik

Live-Vertonung von Hermann Niklas' Du bist mir fehl
Essl Museum, 05.12.2012

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback

Fri, 7 Dec 2012, 8:00pm
Kansas City, Unity Temple on the Plaza (USA)
KcEMA - Kansas City Electronic Music and Arts Alliance
Digital Keys feat. Kari Johnson
Kari Johnson toy piano

whatever shall be (2010)
for toy piano, dreidel, gadgets, music box and live-electronics

Fri, 7 Dec 2012, 8:00pm
Kansas City, Unity Temple on the Plaza (USA)
KcEMA - Kansas City Electronic Music and Arts Alliance
Digital Keys feat. Kari Johnson
Kari Johnson toy piano & live-electronics

upward, behind the onstreaming it mooned (2000/2001)
3rd string quartet

Sat, 8 Dec 2012, 19:30
Klosterneuburg, SCHÖMER-HAUS (A)
Hugo Wolf Quartett

WebernSpielWerk (2005)
for toy piano solo

Thu, 13 Dec 2012
Philadelphia, PA (USA)
Mascher Space Cooperative
Mark Zelesky: toy piano

Listen Thing (2008)
for toy piano solo

Thu, 13 Dec 2012
Philadelphia, PA (USA)
Mascher Space Cooperative
Mark Zelesky: toy piano

Fontana-Mixer (2004-2012)
generative sound environment after "Fontana Mix" (1958) by John Cage

Fr, 14 Dec 2012, 22:30
Weimar, Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt - Fürstenhaus (D)

Kalimba (2005)
for toy piano and playback

Wed, 19 Dec 2012
Madrid, Casa de Valencia (E)
Ciclo de conciertos muXXicalis
Víctor Trescolí Sanz: toy piano

whatever shall be (2010)
for toy piano, gadgets and live-electronics

Wed, 19 Dec 2012
Madrid, Casa de Valencia (E)
Ciclo de conciertos muXXicalis
Víctor Trescolí Sanz: toy piano & live-electronics

Listen Thing (2008)
for toy piano solo

Mon, 24 Dec 2012
Rebstein, Evangelische Kirche (CH)
Anna Danielewicz: toy piano

Home Works Sounds Bibliography Concerts

Updated: 28 Nov 2023
